The Long Surname DNA Project

Including Longe, Lang and Other Variations

A Family Tree DNA Surname Project

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Project Administration

Hello Long Surname DNA Project members and Potential Members.   I would like to explain what my role is as "Group Administrator" for the Long Surname DNA Project.  (Note: the terms "Group Administrator" and "Project Administrator" are used interchangeably.)

I am not an experienced website developer, so please forgive me if this website doesn't appear to be professionally made.

Like you, I am a private person interested in my Long ancestry.  I became interested in DNA testing for genealogy after attending a presentation on the subject at a genealogy club meeting.  After investigating the subject further, I concluded that DNA testing might provide the answers to some long-standing questions regarding my Long ancestry.  But, I found that, while there are surname projects underway for other surnames, there was none for the Long surname.  I contacted Family Tree DNA and learned that if I wanted to participate in a Long Surname Project, I would have to start it myself and be the Group Administrator.

So, what is a "Group Administrator" and what does he do?   Each  Family Tree DNA Surname Project has a group administrator.  These group administrators are volunteers who prepare and maintain their project website, recruit new members, prepare reports and offer assistance to project participants.  The use of volunteers aids recruiting and helps new participants get started.  Some Group Administrators manage more than one project.   There are some rare surnames for which no surname project has yet been established.

The loss or resignation of a project's manager or managers does not mean that the benefits of DNA testing are lost.  FTDNA's database is permanently maintained and the contact person for each test kit will always have access to his data and be notified of new matches.  It is important that the contact person associated with each test kit keep his/her contact information up-to-date at FTDNA.

Each Group Administrator has a special password that enables him or her to connect to FTDNA's Group Administration application and perform certain management functions related to his surname group.  Because a Group Administrator might suddenly become unable to perform his duties, or may wish to designate colleagues to assist him or her, FTDNA enables each Group Administrator designate one or more co-administrators.  Co-administrators can then perform the project management functions as assigned by the Group Administrator. 

I have designated the following co-administrators for the Long Surname DNA Project:

Ms. Chris Thiessen  cousin of  William Long (Kit #167582) is Co-Administrator for Long Family Research, for responding to specific Long genealogical queries.

Mr. Larry Long (Kit #106173) is Co-Administrator for Member Contact  Information.  Larry maintains our database of member phone numbers and addresses and resolves undeliverable email addresses.

Ms. Barbara Long (Kit #6339), spouse of an early Kentucky Long,  is Co-Administrator for Special Assignments

I am seeking Co-Administrators for the following positions:

Co-Administrator for "Website Maintenance and Development.  This individual would assist me in maintaining and improving the Project Website.
This person would need to be skilled in using a web management software application such as Microsoft Frontpage or Dreamweaver and should have a web
hosting account and be willing to publish a mirror website.

Co-Administrator for Recruiting.  This individual would publicize the project and seek additional members.  He/She would monitor the various
Long forums and invite new members that may be able to contribute toward project goals.

Co-Administrator for DNA Education and Training  This individual would prepare periodic Newsletters for distribution to all project members
regarding the activities of ISOGG and of the other DNA testing companies.  He/she will hopefully keep us informed about advances in use of DNA testing
for genealogy purposes and activities such as that of 23andMe, the Genographic Project, ISOGG etc. This co-admin would have to be knowledgeable
in the uses and limitations of DNA for genealogy and keep our members informed of new developments.  This co-administrator would also assist
me in responding to difficult queries that arise regarding the DNA testing.  This person would also monitor publications such as Everton's Genealogical
Helper, and Family Tree Magazine for articles of special interest to project participants.

If you have suggestions or comments about the administration of the Long Surname DNA Project, or are interested in helping with project administration, please contact me at

Bill Long

Page revised: 11/20/2014