The page has been created for genealogists that wish to find and share information with other Long researchers.
Please email corrections, omissions, comments, requests and suggestions to the Administrator. If you want contact information for a participant for whom an email hyperlink is not provided below, contact the Administrator at
(1) Robert Lawrence Long #6339 is descended from Lewis Long b.1824 born in KY. Family later appears in Jennings Co, Indiana. The current family story is that these Longs are Irish.
(2) William O. Long, #9707 (ysearch User ID 28WHH) is a descendant of David Long (ca.1717 – ca.1791) and wife Ann Lockwood. David was granted a tract of land called “The Forrest Flower” in the Maryland Province in 1748. The Forrest Flower was located in what is now Sussex County, Delaware. DNA testing has linked the David Long line of Sussex Co, DE to the John Long/Ann Herrington line of Queen Anne’s County, MD.
(3) Roger Wayne Long #9861 lives in AR. He has determined that his greatgreatgrandfather was Britton Long of Virginia. Pennsylvania Dutch and of German origin.
(4) Lawrence Long #9886 is the descendant of a Long that appeared in Canada about 1845. This Long branch is believed to be Pennsylvania Dutch and of German origin.
(5) Gerald Long #9966 is a descendant of John and Ann (Herrington) Long. John & Ann Long emigrated, about 1763, from Queen Anne’s County, MD to Greene County, PA. Descendants of John & Ann subsequently emigrated from PA to Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and elsewhere.
(6) Larry Long #9980 is descended from Long/Lange ancestors that are believed to have come from the Rhine region of Germany to PA. And then on to Woodford Co. KY. John Long died there in KY. and his son William who was born in PA. in 1769 moved from KY. to IN. where he died in 1843 in Lawrence Co.
(7) Robert Jackson Long #10349 is a descendant of Nicholas Long of Caroline Co. VA (and later Campbell Co., Kentucky).
(8) Paul Marshall Long #10352 is a descendant of Col. Armwell Long, of Sussex Co. Delaware. Armwell Long, a soldier in the War of 1812, was a son of the David Long of (2) above.
(9) George Richard Long #10353 is another descendant of the David and Ann Long family of Sussex Co, DE (see #9707 above)
(10) Noah Long #10363 traces his ancestry to a Long of Barnwell County, South Carolina in the mid to early 1700’s. This Long family may have previously been in North Carolina.
(11) Arnold Jacob Long #10922 is descended from Abraham Long born in KY in 1811. Family later in Morgan Co, IN
(12) William Dean Long #11011 descends from Leslie Richard Long born in 1892. Through DNA testing involving this project, William Dean Long was able to establish that Leslie Richard Long (1892-1973) was not the biological son of his presumed father Leonard Ransom Long (son of Hiram Ransom Long). The discovery was established by testing his presumed third cousin, Leo Long, who descends from Hiram Ransom Long’s first born son; his second cousin (who descends from his presumed great grandfather), John Espy Long; and Greg Long of Oregon who descends from the colonial ancestor, Ware Long of Virginia. The testing reveals that Leo, John Espy Long and Greg Long all share the same DNA match except for a rare one-step mutation on John Espy Long DNA. The former are presumed to establish the Ware Long DNA haplotype and it is now apparent that William Dean Long, his father Edward Leslie Long and uncle Eugene Richard Long do not descend from the Ware Long family of Virginia as originally believed although they had very extensive documentation and family photographs proving descent.
(13) Allen Long #11254 is believed to be a descendant of a Long that moved from Maryland – PA border area to Guilford/Randolph County, NC and then to the western part of NC and on to KY including Cumberland, Clinton, Wayne, and Russell counties. Early Longs in this line may include a Tobias Long and a Solomon or Edward Long.
(14) Harry W. Long #11406 is a descendant of Zachariah and Susanna (Borden) Long and their son, William (marr Abigail Smith) Long who appeared in Longueil Twp, Prescott Co, Ontario about 1800; William later moved across the Ottawa River to Lower Canada (Chatham, Quebec). They came from New England (Litchfield, CT, Rutland, VT) in the company of a number of Loyalist families and were probably of English origin. DNA results link Zachariah with the Longs of MA. Descendants of Zachariah spread into Ontario (Canada), Orleans Co, NY, and Ingham Co, MI. To send an email to Harry Click Here
(15) Ernest A. Long #11605 descends from Allen Long b.1821 in KY married to Martha Wilhite in Morgan Co. IN April 12, 1845. Resided near Hall, IN in the 1840’s before moving west.
(16) Jerald Brooks Long #11678 is descended from German Lang/Long emigrant to Page Co.,VA>RockinghamCo, VA>Mecklenburg Co, NC
(17) Long #13048 is descended from a Thomas Long of PA that relocated to Guernsey Co, OH in the early 19th century.
(18) Stephen Long #13641 had ancestors that lived in West Virginia in the Patterson Creek area or in nearby Cumberland Maryland. Read a DNA Testing Success Story at Click Here.
(19) Terry Lynn Long #13794 is descended from an early Butler Co, Ohio branch of the John Long/Ann Herrington line of Queen Anne’s County, MD. Contact person is Karen at
(20) Michael Ray Long #14133 is descended from Goliah Long, b. 1822 PA
(21) Leo Long, Sr #15024 (possibly of the Ware Long line)
(22) John J. Long #15769 descends from John Long (wife Nancy/Ann) who was born ca. 1764 in VA, died in Clermont Co, OH in 1808, then from their eldest, Richard Long, Sr., b. 1786 in VA, d. 1873 in IL.
(23) Stewart Long #17297 Descends from John W. Long of Limestone Co, AL
(24) David C. Long #17784 GGGGrandfather John possibly from Albany NY area. Moved to West Windsor, NJ approx. 1840 at age 15. Settled in Atlantic Township (now Colts Neck, Monmouth , NJ) around 1850. Cousin of #’s 55 & 56 below and a match with Fred Long #161 below.
(25) Bryant Long #17891 Descendant of Joseph Long. Joseph Long died in 1829 in Fayette County, PA
(26) John Long #17925 traces his greatgreatgrandfather to Chester, PA in 1850.
(27) Wilburn Long #18133. Wilburn’s father was Joseph Newton Long, born in Dequeen, AR. He was the son of J. A. (Joseph Andrew) Long (born in Missouri) and Mary Ellen Bridges (born in Texas and was of Choctaw descent). J. A. and Mary Ellen Long made their home in Atoka Co., OK and are buried there. According the the census J. A. Long’s parents were born in Kentucky. Mary Ellen’s parents were born in Mississippi and Tennessee.
(28) James Long #18157 descended from Samuel Long and Nancy Smith m. in Morgan Co. IN on May 25, 1826. Morgan Co. history states that they were both natives of NC
(29) Robert Long #18326 is a Ware Long descendant. His great grandfather was David Long, who settled in Linn County, KS ca. 1857, with his brothers, Madison and Myron Long, sons of Abner Long of Gallia Ohio. (Update note: #18326 left the “Long” group after finding he is a “Martin”)
(30) Milton Long #18620 is the great great grandson of Noah and Mary Elizabeth Burge Long. Noah (1778-1885) was born in PA and died in Pemberville, Wood Co. OH.
(31) Charles S. Long #18877 (deceased, See 610 below)
(32) Forrest Long #19559, Forrest’s 7th g-grandfather was Christian Lange-his son- Johannes Lang, born 1742 Albany, NY- his son Adam Lang, born 1764, changed his name to Long. (Forrest has a 12/12 Y-DNA match with #39 below.)
(33) Andrew Long #20037is a descendant of a Gabriel Long family that lived near Charleston, West Virginia. Gabriel’s father was a Ware II Long (1691-1803) that is believed to have immigrated from Ireland. (Test Kit #20037 was never returned to FTDNA for analysis)
(34) L. Long #21844 is descended from a Pennsylvania Dutch “Lang” with later migrations to VA and NC.
(35) Tom Long #23362 is believed to be German (Lang?), probably from the Palatinate. First family record is from Perry County, PA. GG-Grandfather George Long (born ca.1805) and Elizabeth Long (no birth or wedding records found). G-Grandfather Peter Long born Perry County PA 1845. Family migrated to Marion County, IN somewhere between 1845-1850. Subsequently moved from Marion County, IN to Grand Rapids, Wood County, OH before 1850.
(36) Johnny Long #24565 descends from John Long, Sr. in the New River Valley of Northwest North Carolina. He is believed to be the son of Tobias Long and Martha Robinson Rich who lived ca. 1720-1771 in Cecil County, Maryland, in the disputed region of the border between Maryland and Pennsylvania. Tobias Long and his family moved to old Guilford County, North Carolina ca. 1771. Tobias Long’s father is believed to be Edward Long, an Englishman, who was found in New Castle County, Delaware in the 1690’s. Edward Long’s surname was sometimes spelled Langue/Lange/Longe.
(37) O. Ray Long #25010 is from Princess Anne, Maryland and is a descendant of Samuel Long and Jane Minshall of Colonial Maryland’s Somerset County.
(38) Daryl Long #25162 Earliest known Long ancestor is John Long. It is not known where or when he was born. In 1807 he married Susannah McCullough in Greene Co. TN. Soon after marrying he moved to Franklin Co. TN where he remained for the rest of his life.
(39) Don Long #26549 His great great grandfather was John J. Long, b. 1825 in NY State and appearing in Windham, Green Co., NY in 1850. John J. Long’s wife was (Amanda?) Brown. (Don has a 12/12 Y-DNA match with #32 above.)
(40) Robert Long #28357. Robert is a descendant of John C. Long who was in the 1850 census in Woodbury, Blair Co, PA, household 234/240 age 39, born in Pennsylvania, Blacksmith, wife Sara, son Joseph Long.
(41) Michael Long #29181. Michael’s family comes from Freeport, Long Island NY. His father Clymer Alfred Long, his father Benjamin Long, and his father Alfred Jerome were all from Whitehall NY. His great great grandfather Jared was from Rutland Vt. and his father Levi moved to Rutland in 1783 from Coventry Ct. His father Lemuel, and his father Joseph, were both from Coventry Ct.
(42) Charles Thomas Long #29695. Descendant of John Nelson Long, who lived in Allegany County, Maryland, and had at least four sons there, Phillip, John Nelson II, George, and Conrad, in the 1790’s. “Tom” is descended through Conrad.
(43) James Long #29788 #43, #44, #47 and #49 are believed to be descendants of Ludwig Long b.1773 in Berks County, PA…died abt. 1845 in Portage County Ohio. Test results indicates that certain ancestors of #44 and #47 were probably adopted.
(44) Rodger Long #29789 See #43 above
(45) William Long #29974 William Long descends from Peter Long of Virginia (Augusta/Rockingham County 1790). Peter with son William Long to Greene County, Ohio in early 1800’s. William’s son Allen Dice Long moved to Redkey, Indiana. Allen’s son William J. Long moved to Birmingham, AL in 1880’s.
(46) Richard E. Long #30729 Richard’s ancestry has been traced back to Ware Long & Nancy Ann Smith of colonial Botetourt Co. VA. The line runs backward thus: Richard E. Long> Virgil Walter Long (1909-1970s)>Virgil H. Long (1887-1908)>Lysander V. Long (1858-1899)>Gabriel Long (1825-1902).
(47) Ed Long #32100 See #43 above.
(48) James Joseph Long #29858 This Long surname is an Anglicized version of Ó Longaidh, a County Cork, Ireland, clan with traditional Irish Catholic roots going back as far as St. Patrick’s era in the 400s. James Joseph Long is a descendant of John J. Long who was born in County Cork, Ireland, ca. 1840. This Irish Catholic came to the states ca. 1855 and settled in Alton, Illinois, where he met and married Anna Malone. Also living in Alton were John’s brothers Dennis and James and sister Julia. At the time of their arrival in the States, these siblings had relatives in New England, see Kit #N24484. Both are in Group Q on the Long DNA Results Chart. For more information, read the history of the Ó Longaidh Clan and contact family historian, Rosemary McNerney Winkler.
(49) John Long #32597 See #43 above.
(50) H. Tillman Long #33450 Harvey Tillman Long’s ancestry has been traced back to early Surry Co, VA. He is believed to be descended from Richard Longe, b. ca. 1592 who arrived in the Jamestown Colony from England on the ship London Merchant in 1620, and settled with his wife Alice in what is now the area of Surry, Sussex or Southampton Counties, Virginia.
51) Ralph Long #33663 is of an Iowa Long family that is descended from Lewis Long (1827-1881) and Catherine Smith (1832-1872) that married in Westmoreland Co, PA in 1849. They immigrated to Ohio then Illinois. Catherine died in 1872 in Shelby County, IL. They had 6 children; Joseph Lewis (born 1850 in PA); David, Samuel, Caroline all born in Ohio between 1855-1860; Julia Ann& Charles W born in Illinois in 1866 & 1870 respectively. His ancestors are German. Lewis’ father was most likely an Adam Long (1778-1847). If this is so, his siblings were John, Elizabeth, Appollonia, Margaretta (Hannah), Tobias Adam, Adam W., Barbara, Jacob A, and Frederick (oldest to youngest). Lewis was the next to youngest. This information is not really documented, but is mainly from the internet research. Contact Betty at
(52) James Gregg Long #33959 is a descendant of John and Ann (Herrington) Long via their son, Jeremiah Long and spouse, Mary Ivers. John & Ann Long emigrated, about 1763, from Queen Anne’s County, MD to Greene County, PA. Descendants of John & Ann subsequently emigrated from PA to Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, and elsewhere. James’ sister, the late Barbara Jane Long Emery, researched his family history.
(53) Gary Long #34354 is a distant cousin of James Joseph Long #48 above.
(54) James Rodney Long #34614 James Rodney Long is descended from (g-g-g grandfather) John Long (b. in NJ ca 1804 – 1806), a Blacksmith in Franklinville NJ, then from (g-g grandfather) John Ellsworth Long (b. in PA 1832 d. in NJ 1912), a Glassblower/Nailcutter and Civil War Vet in Franklinville, Washington Township, Bridgeton, Woolwich Township and Glassboro NJ. John Ellsworth Long having recently shown up on a Rootsweb page entitled Swedish Longakers and Longacres, might be Swedish, but the author of the website does not necessarily give credence to Swedish ancestry.
(55) John Long #36324 The late John Long was a first cousin of Norman Long. Norman Long was the father of David #24 above.
(56) Test Kit never used
(57) Mike Long #38307 GGGG grandfather was William Long and Catherine Taylor of of Grayson County Virginia. GGG grandfather Benjamin Long and Benjamin’s daughter Mahala Long from North Carolina and later moved to Kentucky. Great grandfather was Osceola Long son of Francis Marion “Dickie Phipps” Long and Elsie Jane Gose. Great great grandfather Francis Marion “Dickie Phipps” Long is the son of Mahala Long and an unknown Sizemore. Looking for the unknown Sizemore connection.
(58) James Long #39473 James is believed to be descended from a Daniel and Rhoda Long that lived in South Carolina or Georgia ca. 1805.
(59) Donald Huston Ericson #40121. Natural father was Donald Francis Long, descendant of Oscar Long of Colorado Springs (ca1904).
(60) Paul Long #41271. Paul’s Long Line runs thus: Edward (b.1737 England ) and Margaret > Moses and Elizabeth (PA or VA?) > James and Sarah > William M. (b.1830) and Mary (Sevier Co TN) > Charles O. and Maggie > Paul and Willa (Monroe Co, TN).
(61) James Long #43573, like #50 above, is believed to be a descendant of Richard Longe. However, #50 and #61 do not have a DNA match, indicating that either one or both of them in not a descendant of Richard Longe. It is hoped that other possible descendants of Richard Longe will come forth for DNA testing so that the true Richard Longe haplotype can be confirmed.
(62) Gary Long #44242 Gary Long is descended from John Long Sr., born 1750 in Cecil County MD or possibly North Carolina, died in Ashe County, NC. John Long is probably the son of Tobias Long and Martha Robinson. He probably married Susannah Vannoy. Tobias Long was born 1721 in Cecil County, died about 1775 in Guilford County NC. He was the son of Edward Lange, born about 1665, died 1735 in Cecil County and Sisley (last name unknown). Edward Lange may be the immigrant, from England, some time before 1750. Gary Long is a cousin of Johnny Long # 24565 (#36 above). Click here to send Gary an email.
(63) James Allen Long #44396 James’ 3rd great grandfather was James R. Long m. Mary “Polly” Griggs of Buncombe Co., NC. Hoping to prove through testing that James R. is a son of Peter Gilead Long and Elizabeth Byrd of Jackson/Haywood Counties. NC. Contact
(64) David Long #N10910 Believed to be a descendant of a James Long that came from Scotland to Pensylvania, whose son Mathew Long went from Pennsylvania to Abbleville County SC circa 1768, via Augusta County, Va and Rowan County, NC.
(65) Craig Delong #43529 Descended from Reuben DeLong (1804-1891) b. Ulster County, NY, who is believed to be of French Huguenot heritage, via Holland, NYC, and Poughkeepsie, NY.
(66) Howard Louis Long # 21367 is a descendant of Mines M.(1824-1901) and Amanda Miller Long. Mines Long (aka Minos Long) came to Texas in the late 1840’s and is on the 1850 Bastrop Co, census. Married in Bastrop Co, Texas, 1856. Came to Austin, Travis Co. Texas about 1860. Youngest of 8 children was my father, Frank Louis m. Freda Bohls, 1918, Austin, Texas. Family states that Mines was born in Northern Ireland. Some records indicate that he was from Tenn.
(67) Gilles Long #48610 traces his ancestry to PHILIP LONG (LANG) born in the 1742-1751 year range, probably in Pennsylvania. Family history says Philip was possibly of Scottish descend, but that is not documented. Philip described himself as an AMERICAN LOYALIST. He was a private in the King’s American Regiment during the 1781-83 period. It is said that Philip stole an important mail from the Patriots in favour of the British. He came to Canada after the RevWar and married Marie-Julie Couillard-Després in Quebec City in 1792. A royal mail carrier, he moved to Clair New Brunswick (Canada) from Lake Temiscouata in 1827-8. He died in Clair in 1832. Gilles’ Y-DNA haplogroup is I-P78 (I2b1c). Gilles has a 35/37 match with #95 (Darl Long) and #158 (Jeffrey L. Waite). Recently, Gilles has been researching a Philip Long (Lang), son of Felix Long/Regina Langin, baptised 2 Aug. 1747, in Swatara Reformed Church, Jonestown, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Any info. will be much appreciated. Gilles’ email is
(68) Lawrence (Larry) Long #54368 is a descendant of Reuben Long born 1759 in Halifax County, VA. Prior to Rev. War migrated with his father to Chatham County, NC. Served in Rev. War from Chatham County, then moved with father to Broad River Area in SC, where he again served in Rev. War. After the war moved back to NC to Lincoln County. In 1815 moved his family to Grainger County, TN. You can email Larry’s cousin Carolyn at
(69) Hugh Long #54850 (Fourth cousin of #138 below) Descendant of James Long, b.1738, Carlisle, Lancaster, (now Cumberland) County, PA, believed to be Scotch/Irish immigrant from Ireland. Patriot in the Revolutionary War under General Anthony Wayne. Following the war he settled in Woodcock Township, Crawford County, Pa. with sons, James, George, John and Cookson. James died in Crawford County in 1830. James brother, Cookson was a Colonel in the Revolution and is named in several PA. county histories and is noted many times in the “Pennsylvania Archives”. Will share information and photos.
(70) Terry Long #N20937 is believed to descend from John Long of Scioto and Pike Counties, Ohio and Edgar County, Illinois. John was probably born in Virginia before 1769. Wife(s) unknown, but 16 children survived, from will produced in Edgar Co., Illinois in 1841. Many of John Long’s children left Pike County, Ohio onto Tippecanoe County, Indiana and Vermilion, Clay, Edgar, and Douglas Counties in Illinois. A son, Archibald Long, b. c.1800 in perhaps Pennsylvania married Margaret Kinney (parents unknown) in Pike County, Ohio in 1821. Their children were John, Jeremiah, William, Noah, perhaps others. Noah Long, my gg-grandfather, had four wives (1.Sarah Evans, 2.Elizabeth Carroll, 3.Mary Longnecker, nee Hornbeck, 4.Maggie Holmes, nee Godfrey) and six known children: James (never md.), Charles (md. Mary Ann Smay), Charlotte (md. Michael Halliday), Archibald (md. Clara Mills), John (several wives – no children), and Otto (md. Sarah Thomas). Noah and Sarah’s son, Charles William Long (b. 1867, Vermilion Co., IL), had 13 children born in Gasconade and Crawford Counties, Missouri.
(71) Samuel Long #55491 Samuel’s immigrant ancestor was a Samuel Long that emigrated from England to Somerset County, Maryland abt. 1665. As expected, #71 has a 12/12 match with #37.
(72) John Long #56437 John R. Long is a Scotts-Irish descendent of William Long ( 1795—1863), VA. (m. 1816 ) and Phebe Burget (1795—1874 ), Hampshire Co. Va. They were early settlers in Union and Ross Co., Ohio, In 1836, they removed overland with 12 children to Tippecanoe Co., IN. living out their lives near the Tippecanoe Battleground, again as settler farmers. Their grandson, John Wallace Long, removed his family by covered wagons in 1883 to Gibbon, Nebraska, once again as American pioneers.
(73) Leonard Long #N20581. Earliest known paternal-line ancestor is William Cornelius Long 1858-1922 in Georgia. Leonard has an exact 67-marker Y-DNA match with -DNA match with No. 37 above,, thus connects with Samuel Long 1645-1695 of Somerset County Maryland. See: Samuel Long of Somerset County, Maryland
(74) Richard Long #59519 Richard is a descendant of a Barney B. Long born Feb 19, 1907 in Harriett, TX. Barney Long is believed to be the son of Clent (Clint?) Long and Nettie Alderman.
(75) Frank Long #N24484 This Long traces his roots back to a Dennis Long and Margaret Fitzgerald who were probably born in the 1800-1812 time frame in County Cork, Ireland in the Millstreet area. One of their sons, William immigrated to the US in 1850 through the port of Boston and settled in Randolph, MA.
(76) Morris Long #52909 Morris’s father was Harry B. Long (born Oct. 23, 1894 in Sunbury PA). Harry’s father was Frank R. Long (b. 1862 in PA, d. 1914 in Sunbury PA.) Frank’s father was Jesse Long (b. Oct. 1836 in PA). Jesse’s father was George Long (b. in PA.)
(77) Richard Long #61087 is a descendant of J. Georg Lang and his wife Cathrina, born Jan 26, 1768 in Cumberland Co. PA. Richard has a Long Family Book and is willing to share information..
(78) Gary Long #61943 Gary has documentation indicating descent from James Tobias Long who appears in the 1830 Hardin Co. KY census. James Tobias Long was possibly the son of Andrew Long in the Hardin Co 1810 census and believed to have immigrated to KY from VA and/or PA.
(79) Mr. Lang #63162 Mr. Lang is descended from John Andrew Jackson Lang (aka John A. Lang and John J. Lang), who was born in Columbiana County, Ohio in 1828. He also lived in Wyandot County (OH), Cole County (IL), and Hodgeman County (KS). He may be the son of Thomas Lang, who was on the 1830 Columbiana County federal census. John Lang is believed to be of Scottish descent, however, no documentation for this has been found.
(80) Justin Long #N28224 Justin Long’s ancestors lived in Sevier Co, Tennessee > Lowell Arkansas>Okemah Oklahoma>Dallas TX
(81) Charles Long #65300 legend has it that these Longs were from Lancaster County, PA, possibly under a Swiss-German variant of the name.
(82) N29845 is a female Long whose GGG grandparents lived in Marion Co, Alabama. N29845 has been mtDNA tested and plans to arrange a Y test for a male relative.
(83) Jack Alvin Long #55633 is a descendant of a John Long born in Pennsylvania in 1801. John Long died in Preston, Minnesota March 1, 1879. He married Sarah Boucher born 1803 in Pennsylvania and died October 10, 1879 in Rochester, Minnesota. They had five children Perry, Chauncey (twins) born 1827 in Somerset County, PA ; Lucy born 1832 in Somerset County, PA ; William Edward born in Sumerset County, PA; and Amos born 1838 in Hagerstown, MD. If you believe you may be connected to this Long line, contact Jack at
(84) Joseph Long #25709 lives in Grand Rapids, Ohio as did his father, grandfather, great and great-great. Greatgreatgrandfather Jacob Long was born 20 Dec 1794 in Adams, PA. His son John, one of 13 children, was born September 1832 and died in 1917. John’s wife was Catherine Rubel. Their 9th child (of 10), Howard, Joseph’s grandfather was born in 1880.
(85) David Long #67541 is a descendant of a George Long born ca. 1760 that lived in Northumberland Co, PA. Later generations of Longs of this family lived in Iowa. David can be reached at
(86) Ms. D. Behl #N17177 (mtDNA tests) is a descendent of Mary Catherine Long Scaggs (b. ca. 1803). Mary was daughter of Abner Long of Edmonson Co., KY.
(87) Dale Martin Long #68483 is a descendant of (a) William Long (GGGrandfather, born 1814) and wife Lavina (Fulmer) of Armstrong & Indiana Counties, PA), (b) Robert Porter Long Senior (GGrandfather, born 1855/1856) and wife Angeline Anna Sims/Simms 1859, Armstrong, Indiana and Westmoreland County, PA. (c) Robert Porter Long Junior (Grandfather, 1897)and wife Anna Margaret Eamigh, (b: 1902) Indiana and Westmoreland County, PA and (d) Robert Charles Long (Father, 1921) and Violet Marie Metz, Westmoreland County, PA. William is believed to have been born in Pennsylvania. Dale can be contacted at:
(88) Robert Long #68365 is descended from Richard Long b. Sept 22, 1758 in Culpepper County, Virginia. Richard Long was still living in Culpepper in late 1775 or early 1776 when he enlisted in the Revolutionary Army. He died May 30, 1848 in Marshall County, Tennessee. Robert’s line from Richard runs thus: Richard Long – Benjamin Long – James Dickson Long – Benjamin Alexander Long – Hazel Dallas Long – Jack Wade Long – Robert Edward Long
(89) Alan Wayne Long #49624 This Long Family descends from Andrew M. Long, born 1831 in Ohio to parents born in Pennsylvania. Andrew married Mournine P. “Morning Glory”, (last name unknown), born about 1837 in Indiana. The 1880 Kansas Census records them living in Smith Center, Kansas. Children of Andrew Long and Mournine are: Della, Thomas T., Rev. Charles Warren and Minnie. The Rev. Charles Warren Long, was born May 13, 1868 in Marion Co., Iowa and died March 20, 1925 in Smith Center, Kansas. He married Anna “Hannah” Bella Gawith. They had six children: Clarence Leroy, Elmer Warren born 1893, Grace Agnes, Paul Lloyd, Florence May and Gladys Ruth. Earl Wayne Long, born May 5, 1929, is the son of Elmer Warren Long. Earl Wayne Long is the parent of Alan Wayne Long, born September 27, 1949.
(90) James Donald Long (73431) was born in Swinton, Missouri. His father is Linwood S. Long, Jr. At 85, Linwood Long can’t recall details about the family history, but claims that the family is related to First Families of Virginia (FFV) Longs and distantly related to the Huey P. Long family.
(91) Michael Richard Long (N36460) is a descendant of George H. (Hirum?) Long, born about 1854 in Ohio. [The 1880 Census for Germantown, Montgomery Co., Ohio, has George H. Long (along with wife and oldest son Warren E., positive match to great grandfather’s info) with parents born in Penn. but, the 1910 Census for Miami Township, Montgomery Co., Ohio, shows George H. Long as Hirum Long (entire family also listed) with parents born in Ohio. Michael has tombstone photos from Germantown, Ohio for a Hirum (sp?) L. Long 1854-1915 but no supporting records that proves it is his great-great Grandfather.]
(92) Jack Wooldridge #73978 is a descendant of the family of Sarah “Sally” Wooldridge who married James Long in Russell County (Nelson, Green, Adair, then Russell County, Ky). Her son Alexander switched to her maiden name of Wooldridge and had 15 children.
(93) James Long #73985 is a descendant of George Long, born ca. 1775 somewhere in Pennsylvania, died 1826 in Brown Township, Stark County (now Carroll County), Ohio. He lived in Steubenville, Ohio from about 1800 to 1819. His descendants are documented to Carroll Co., Ohio, Auglaize Co., Ohio, Champaign Co., Illinois and Montgomery Co., Tennessee.
(94) John Long #74003 is a descendant of John H Long (b July 8 1784 in SC) and his wife Mary Elizabeth Wilkes (b july 15, 1786 in SC). Their children included: Margaret W, Mary Ann, Henry W, Lawson S, Nancy D, Harriet W, Rebecca, Mary Elizabeth, John H, James F, Jane D, Ruth S, Elias M, and Silas Leroy. John is descendant of James F. The family lived in SC until about 1812 and moved to Lincoln County NC. Many of the family moved to GA including James F. James F was Killed at 2nd Manassas.
(95) Darl Long #74552 Darl’s great-grandfather was Edward Ethan Long, b. April 2, 1875 in Michigan. Edward E. Long m. Minnie White. They had seven children in Ingham Co. Michigan. Edward is believed (1880 U.S. Census) to be the son of Joseph (b. abt 1834 Michigan) and Catherine (b. abt 1834 Prussia) who were living in Wayne Co. at that time. Edward’s siblings on that census included John, Lena, Annie, Phillip, Susan, Albert, George and William. Darl is researching Long families of Michigan and can be contacted at
(96) Ricky Lynn Costanza Long #72075 is a descendant of Edward and Alsy Long. Edward was born ca. 1810 in Alabama, and had 7 children born in TN. The family later appears in the1850 Hopkins Co, TX census.
(97) Ernest “Erny” D. Long #77123 (a cousin of #96 above) is a descendant of Edward Long and Alsy Long. Edward was born ca. 1810 in Alabama, and had 7 children born in TN, that are listed on the1850 Hopkins Co, TX census. Edward and Alsy had other children that were born in Texas one of which was Robert L (Bob) Long b:1855 d:1909. Erny’s lineage is Robert L Long; Claude Long; Leslie D Long; Darwin D Long and Ernest.
(98) Howard Arthur Long #78252 is a descendant of William Long & Hannah Young. The family is believed to have lived in Pennsylvania and relocated to Shannon City, Iowa about 1880.
(99) John Edward Long #78580 is a 1/2 cousin of #12 above, they are both descendants of Leonard Ransom Long.
(100) John Bonard Long #79068 traces to Peter Gilead Long of North Carolina through son Barnard.
(101) Kent Andrew Long #79282 Kent Long is descended from a Matthias Long of Bedford County, PA circa 1736.
(102) Jack Long #80710 is descended from Isaac Long b.1810 TN > George Franklin Long b.1837 TN d.1913 OR > Melvin P. Long b.1865 Adams Co, Illinois > Marvin P. Long b.1901 Linn Co. OR .
(103) James Edward Long #81133 James’ line runs thus: James Edward (b. 1956); LeRoy Harold (b. 1918); Roy Milton(b. 1894); Thomas Henry (b. 1854); Milton (b. 1830); Thomas (b. 1792); Bromfield (b. 1749); Benjamin (b. 1728); Brumfield (b. 1686); Henry (b. 1650). For more information contact: also visit the family blog at
(104) Mel Long #83394 is descended from Jacob Long b.1784 who came to IL from MD. Jacob’s father was Isaac (d .ca1837 in MD) who came from PA to MD. Isaac’s father was also an Isaac who came from PA to MD. The trail ends with the older Isaac Long.
(105) William David Long #85775 is the son of Jess Willard Long, (b. 27Feb1913 in Corinth, Alcorn Co., MS, d. 12May1966, Klamath Falls, OR) and Louise Emily Fischer, m. 09Apr1935 in South Bend, Pacific County WA. WDL is the grandson of John Samuel Long (b. 12Dec1845 in Dandridge, Jefferson Co. TN d. 23August1920 in luka, Tishomingo Co., MS), and Elizabeth Pace, (b. 26Jul1886 in Corinth, Alcorn Co., d. 12Dec1959 in Salem, Marion County, OR). JSL and EP m. 06Nov1904 in Alcorn County, MS). WDL is the greatgrandson of Ephraim G. Long (b. ca. 1820 in TN d. 11Aug1896 Lauderdale Co. AL) and Malinda Kimbrough (b. ca. 1828 in TN. EGL and MK m. 09Jan1845 in Jefferson County TN and resided in Jefferson, Bradley, Hamilton and James County TN.
(106) Carlos Long #80125 is a descendant of George Horace Long. George Horace Long was born in Virginia and raised in Kentucky. His parents were Benjamin Long and Sarah Eddins. He went west with the Sublette brothers wagon-train and subsequently became a Mexican citizen. When New Mexico became a US territory in 1846, George again became a US citizen.
(107) Greg Long #87685 is a descendant of Lewis Long and Sarah Ann Hesser. Lewis Long is thought to be a descendant of Ware Long of colonial Virginia. Lewis Long fought in the Black Hawk War in Illinois. He arrived in Oregon Territory on Oct 12, 1854 and settled on a claim in Linn Co., Oregon on March 3, 1855. See also #12 above.
(108) Eugene Richard Long #87686 (see #12 above)
(109) Edward Leslie Long #87687 (see #12 above)
(110) Anonymous Long #87816 (no info)
(111) Larry Ernest Long #88022 is descended of Franklin Pierce Long, and Wife Winifred Seymour, of Shickshinny Luzerne County, PA., later of Allentown, Lehigh County, PA.. Related to the Titus family, Franklin was the Son of Peter Long. It was passed down that the name was shortened to Long possibly between 1869 and 1875 from Longbow (Long Bow) and are said to be part Tsalagi (Cherokee). Franklin had 5 Sons and 6 Daughters.
(112) Jesse Paul Long #88432 is from a Gates County, NC family.
(113) Jerry F. Long #88541 is descended from Alfred Long (ca. 1805-1854) and wife Barbara Gales Long. They had two sons, William E. (b. abt.1838), and Asa Calvin (b. abt.1848). Asa Calvin and wife Margaret Hefner Long had two sons, Bud Lee and Phillip Andrew (b. 1873). Phillip Andrew and wife Jennie Cody Long produced two sons, Ernest William (b. 1899) and J. D. Franklin Long (father). All lived in Lincoln and Gaston counties N.C. Jerry’s email address is
(114) A. Gordon Long #89462 (deceased), believed to be from the Ware Long lineage. Father was Abner Gordon Long, Sr.(b1917 in Cheyenne, Wyoming); GF was Fred Albert Long, Sr.(b1880’s in Marysville, Missouri); GGF was Abner Gorden Long; GGGF was Gabriel Long.
(115) James Franklin Long, Jr #69819 is a descendant of a James Long that was born about 1848. James Long’s wife was Mary Prudence Rodgers born March 30 1856 in Adair Co. KY. They were married Sept 28, 1879 in Warsaw, (Benton Co.) MO. Family story says that James came from Ireland. James and Mary died in Cooper County MO in 1891 during flu epidemic.
(116) David Long #91113 is descended from James Long (b. 04/24/1790 in Baltimore County, Maryland – d. 01/27/1876 in Mississippi). One of James’ sons was Charles Whatley Long (b. 02/16/1821 in Ohio – d. 08/29/1862 in Mississippi). One of C.W. Long’s sons was Charles Felix Long (b. 11/10/1859 in Mississippi – d. 10/23/1940 in Louisiana). One of C. F. Long’s sons was David’s grandfather Felix Franklin Long (b. 08/03/1899 in Louisiana – d. 04/02/1982 in Louisiana). David’s father was Speedy O. Long (b. 06/16/1928 in Louisiana – d. 10/05/2006).
(117) John Long #85808 Paternal ancestor, Johan Martin Lang came from Germany c. 1720 and settled in Pa. Born ca. 1700 and died ca. 1750. His sons changed the surname to Long.
(118) Winston Huey Long #84518 is the great grandson of Joseph Cummins Long, born ca 1866 in Crenshaw County, Alabama, died 29 May 1947. For more info on this line, contact Barbara Long at:
(119) Wayne Long #93981 Wayne’s great grandfather was born in West Hawkesbury Township, Prescott County, Ontario Canada in 1824. He spent many years in the north woods in upper Canada called Madawaska near Algonquin Park in Ontario. He was one of 12 children of William Long who was born in Litchfield, Connecticut after 1775. His sister through adoption, Yvonne Alma Carlson Kit Number 207795 is a female participant of the Long Surname DNA Project..
(120) Thomas R. Long #90970 grandson of Daniel Thompson Long b. 1906 Charlotte, NC d. Rock Hill SC . DTL was the son of Daniel Matthew Long b. 1879 Mecklenburg Co, NC m. Minnie Jane Bechtler. DML was the son of Wallace R. Long b. 1849 Lincoln, NC d. 1924 Lyman, SC m. Adeline Dunn. WRL was the brother of John Richard Long b. 1834 Lincoln, NC died York,SC. WRL & JRL were the sons of James R. Long b. 23 May 1811 NC d. 7 Jun 1896 Dennison ,Grayson ,Tx & Catherine Havner/Hefner of Lincoln , NC. Family connection of James R. Long to Lawson Long b. 27 Mar 1827 & Samuel M. Long d. 8 Aug 1867 & Robert E. Long d. Apr 1877. JRL may have been born in NC or Va . Confirmed related to # 309 .
(121) Lloyd Hamilton #97537 Lloyd’s paternal line goes back to Elihu J. Long born Dec 25, 1831 in Russell Co, VA. Elihu’s mother Catherine Jessee (born cir 1815) was about 16 years old and not married when he was born. A couple of years later, she married Thomas Long (born cir 1805) and Elihu took his last name. Thomas and Catherine Long moved to Indiana about 1840 taking their children with them. Elihu J. Long was left behind in Russell Co Va to be raised by Catherine’s brother, Joseph Jessee. Lloyd’s line is through Elihu’s grandson, Elihu Cleveland Long (born 1884). Lloyd’s father was Emmett Carter Long (born 1911), great-grandson of Elihu J. Long.
(122) Roger Long #96848 Roger’s 3rd ggrandfather was George Long b. Bedford Co.,VA 1773, d. Riceville, McMinn Co.,TN 1849. Some researchers believe George’s father was Richard Long and is traced back several generations thru England. Other researchers believe George’s father was John N. Long and may be traced back to Zennernhesse, Germany abt 1663. Native American (Cherokee) was introduced into the family 1800’s.
(123) Dale Long #98249 Lives in NY had traced his 5x great grandfather to be John Long (Johannes Lang) who immigrated from German to Lancaster, PA in the early 1700’s. John’s son Joseph was his 4x grandfather and Jacob was his 3x grandfather. Joseph and his son’s families moved from Lancaster to MD and then eventually settled in Germany Valley, PA in the late 1700’s. There Jacob had four children, George , Mary, David and Elizabeth. George is his gg grandfather.
(124) Michael Long #99866 descends from Zacharias Long (17
59-1827) patriot and innkeeper of southeastern PA, who in 1784 married Sarah, daughter of Rudolph Epprecht. Their children settled in PA, OH and NY.
(125) Robert Long #N54893 (no info)
(126) Sheldon Edward Long N55015 is a descendant of Thomas Long b. 1826 (area unknown, and possible son of George Long who came to Cape Breton in 1802). One of Thomas Long’s sons was also named George b.1851 in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and his son Micheal Peter Long b.1884 was married twice. His first marriage ended with the death of his wife. They had three boys. Micheal went to Boston in 1921 where he had two son’s in his second family (both sons were in the U.S.forces). Micheal died in Boston in 1953. Sheldon’s ancestors in Cape Breton were Catholic with Celtic roots and were most likely from Ireland. Sheldon can be contacted at
(127) Cecil Earl Long #98882 is descended from Joshua Long b. 8 Sep 1791. Joshua married Nancy Huff. Joshua and Nancy, and their descendants were farmers in Martin County, in eastern North Carolina.
(128) Robert Long #105854 is descended from John W. Long born ca. 1817 Ohio. John W. Long’s his father was born in Pennsylvania.
(129) Lawrence Edward Long #106173 is descended from Charles Long, born in 1768, who married Catherine Firestone in 1793, moved to Rockbridge County, VA, then to Columbiana County in Ohio in 1803. Place of birth and ancestors of Charles is unknown.
(130) Bryan Long #106205 is the son of Russell Long who was born in Ontario in 1912 and moved to Alberta in 1916. Russell is a son of Harry (1869-1942) and grandson of Joseph (1824-1902) who lived in Hastings County, Ontario, near Bangor.
(131) #97145 (deleted)
(132) Harry Long #107771 Harry’s family is from Centre County, Pennsylvania. His earliest known Long is Samuel McClintick Long of Spring Mills. Samuel’s son was George Korman Long (married to Emma Rebecca Carter). George’s son, Harry Austin Long, was Harry’s father. Harry is seeking help researching his Long line. Please contact the Group Administrator if you wish to contact Harry.
(133) V. L. Knight #N6992 (no info)
(134) James Long #110304 (no info)
(135) Kristopher Long #112262 is descended from Joseph W. Long Jr. (1813-1847, m. Julia Sharpe), born in Nantucket, MA and eventually came to New York City, where the next 4 generations of his descendants were born. Joseph appears to be descended from Robert Long, born abt. 1590 in St. Albans, England, who sailed to Boston with his family in 1635 and settled in Charlestown, MA, and the branch of Robert’s descendants who were among the early settlers of Nantucket Island in the late 17th century.
(136) Robert Long #112530 Bob is a descendant of William P. Long b.1836 GA, d. abt. 1880 AR. WPL m. (1) Jesminah Caroline Sumpter 9-15-1858 Saline, AR and (2) Sarah Jane Hale 7-7-1865 Saline, AR. Children of William and Jesminah) were John Thomas Long b. 11-1859 d. 6-29-1932, William E. Long b. 1861, Charles b. 1863, and Frances (female) b. 1865.
(137) Gregory Long #112787 (lives in Ireland – more info later)
(138) H. Franklin Long, Jr (Frank) #113961 is descended from James Long b. 1738, Geo. Long b. 1764 or 5, Jno. J. (John) Long b. 1816, Allen Belle Long b. 8/5/1851, Roy Merion Long b. 5/7/1881, H Franklin Long, Sr. b. 5/27/1936 all born in Pa. Contact Frank at
(139) Dan Long #114571 is a descendant of Joseph Coleman Long, son of William and Mary Long. They appear in the Franklin County Alabama in the 1850 census.
(140) Derrick Long #114592 (no info)
(141) Leymon Hoover Long #115633 is the great grandson of Samuel Hughes Long (1823-1908) of Union Co. South Carolina. He and his wife Julia Ann D. Harris Galmon Long moved to Spring Place, Murray, GA. He is the grandson of Thomas Leonidas (Lee) Long (1862-1912) of South Carolina (who married Mary Ella Brown (1877-1964)) and moved to Georgia, Tennessee and died in Madison County, AL. He is the son of Geleacy Long (14 Dec 1900 – 17 Dec. 1988 – born in Cleveland, TN and moved to Madison Co. AL) and Eunice Green . The email contact for this Long is Peggy Long at
(142) Judy Rogers-Lavigne #115897 Female – (mtDNA test) – related to #105 above, daughter of John David Long (b. 2Jan1911 in Booneville, MS., d. 27Nov1985 in Olympia, WA) and Mable Lucille Rogers (b.2Mar1914 in Tennessee, d. 28Mar1998 in Olympia, WA, m. 2Apr1932 in Corinth, Miss) JDL is the brother of Jess Willard Long, (b. 27Feb1913 in Corinth, Alcorn Co., MS, d. 12May1966, Klamath Falls, OR) JDL is the son of John Samuel Long (b. 12Dec1845 in Dandridge, Jefferson Co. TN d. 23August1920 in luka, Tishomingo Co., MS), and Elizabeth Pace, (b. 26Jul1886 in Corinth, Alcorn Co., d. 12Dec1959 in Salem, Marion County, Oregon.
(143) Clifford Alan Long #118607 is the GGGgrandson of Arthur Long and Anna (Hill) Long. Arthur was in Halifax, County, N.C. before relocating to Hancock County Ga. Arthur’s parents are unproven. Anna (also called Nancy) Hill was the daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Mathis) Hill.
(144) Joe Long #120822 The most distant Long ancestor is James R. Long 1760-1842 from Cabarrus, Co, NC and Burke Co, NC. He married “Delilah”>son is Peter Long-Burke, Co., who married Nancy Mashburn. Peter and Nancy Long are buried in Fannin County, Georgia.
(145) Richard Long #120821 Richard’s line runs like this: Thomas Long b. 1830 (Gurteen Parish, Feenagh, Count Limerick, Ireland), d. 1901 (Chicago, IL) > Cornelius Long b. 1867 (Chicago, IL), d. 1913 (Chicago, IL) > Cornelius J. Long b. 1898 (Chicago, IL), d. 1943 (Oak Park, IL) > Richard J. Long b. 1929 (Oak Park, IL) > Richard N. Long b. 1961 (Oak Park, IL).
(146) Harold Long #123459, Harold’s Long Line runs thus: William Long, Randolph Co, AL > George William Long, b. 27 Oct 1877 Lincoln Co. AL > Harold Long . Related families include Wadsworth, Hall and Merkl.
(147) James Long #123298 (Alabama Long, more later)
(148) Timothy S. Long #124215, Timothy’s ancestors are traced to John Carlyle Long born in Pennsylvania around 1791. He later moved to Grainger County, Tennessee and married Catherine Beeler in 1821. His son Daniel Boone Long, Timothy’s gggrandfather was born in Grainger County in 1824. His son Daniel Long born in Grainger County, in 1856, moved to Southwest Missouri in the 1880’s. John Carlyle Long’s father is believed to be Abram (Abraham Long).
(149) Ethan Michael Long #85333 is descended from Reuben Long and his wife Mary. Reuben Long was b. 1730 Culpepper VA, and d. Culpepper, VA, Dec. 29, 1791. Reuben’s son was Nimrod Long.
(150) Robert L. Metcalf #126635 was adopted as an infant. His natural father is a Long from Springfield MA whose immigrant ancestor is believed to have come from Ireland.
(151) Sean Gossett #N63718 is a descendant of Tobias Long of Hardin Co, KY through a maternal line. However, his DNA haplotype indicates a connection with the Longs in subgroup F of this project.
(152) H. Long #131628 is a descendant of Charles Long born 24 Sep 1804 in Ohio (may have been in Georgia when he was young). He died 14 Apr 1882 in Mobile, Alabama. Charles married Henrietta Clark.
(153) Long #131770 (related to 17 above) is descended from a Thomas Long of PA and possibly Guernsey Co., Ohio in early 1800s.
(154) John B. Long #133577 Is the gggrandson of James D. Long. James D. Long who was born in GA about 1825, and lived in Arkansas.
(155) Daniel Howard Lang #1664 (no info)
(156) Michael S. Jessop #N43338 (no info)
(157) Jim Long #86404 (no info)
(158) Jeffrey L. Waite #72314 has Y-DNA matches with #67 and #95 above, but has no paper trail to Long ancestry.
(159) Eddie Long #135167 is a descendant of Samuel Long (1814-1904). Samuel was the son of James (b.1780-d.after 1850), both born in Greene County, Pa and lived in Guernsey, later Noble County, Ohio. DNA results indicate that Eddie is connected with the John Long family that moved (pre-revolution) from Queen Anne’s Co, MD to Greene Co, PA.
(160) Bernard Michael Long #136320 is a descendant of Isaac Phillip Long (b. ca.1827, Short Gap, Hampshire, VA, d. 7/19/1910, Short Gap, Mineral, VA) and Mary Catherine Farber (b. ca.1836, PA, d. 5/23/1916 Daniel’s Mill, Mineral, WV)
(161) Fred Long #136186 is a descendant of William Preston Long and Sally Taylor. WPL was born in Virginia in 1774 and died circa 1853 in Peoria County, Illinois. William & Sally had the following children in Greenbrier County, WV: (1) John, born Oct. 24, 1810, married Catherine Josaphine Dever Wood Aug. 26, 1865, and died Sept. 25, 1882 in Oak Island, Texas; (2) William Preston, born March 6, 1812 and died May 29, 1884 in Greenbrier County, West Virginia; (3) James, born April 9, 1814 and died August 20, 1836; (4) Samuel B., born Jan. 11, 1816; (5) Ann, born Sept. 28, 1818 (married Martin Barlow probably in Peoria County, Illinois) and died circa 1860; (6) George K. born Jan. 10, 1821; (7) Elizabeth Wiley, born May 4, 1823, married William Henry Bird on March 1, 1845 in Peoria, Illinois and died June 12, 1888 in Yates City, Knox County, Illinois; (8) Solomon Alexander, born Dec. 25, 1825 and died March 8, 1901 in El Dorado County, California; (9) Minerva, born Dec. 20, 1828, believed to have married a McDougal. Y-DNA testing revealed a surprise match with #24 above!
(162) J. Michael Long #139535 is the greatgreatgrandson of a John Long that was born in Delaware around 1796 and died in Chester PA around 1869. John Long married Esther Ogden in 1838. Esther was born in Newark DE, 5 Apr 1805, daughter of Joseph Ogden.
(163) Steven George Long #122634 Steve is the GG Grandson of Samuel W Long. Samuel was b. in Tennessee ca. 1822 and d. in Camden County, Missouri in 1911. He lived most of his life in the central part of Missouri. He was living in Miller County, Missouri, in 1842 when he married Lydia Vernon. By the 1860 census Lydia has died leaving him with 5 children, and he has remarried and is living in Camden County, Missouri. In both the 1880 and 1900 census Samuel indicates his father’s birthplace as North Carolina and his mother’s birthplace as Tennessee.
(164) Jerry T. Long #142931 (no info)
(165) J. R. Metcalf #143693 Son of #150 above. (mtDNA test)
(166) Ralph Long #144927 is a descendant of Seth M. Long, b. Colorado abt 1863. Seth Long m. Ella Kirby b. Ohio abt 1875. Children: Joseph Ralph, William, Carri, Bernice and Gladys.
(167) Nancy Mayo #145164 (mtDNA test) is the sister of #166 above.
(168) Paul A. Lang #N71189 (no info)
(169) Richard Long #140905 (no info)
(170) Ms. Judy Dyess #140322 (female – mtDNA test)
(171) James Bartholomew Long #149323 is believed to be a descendant of a John and Joanna Long that immigrated from Cork County Ireland, to Providence, Rhode Island with children, including son Bartholomew, in the mid 1800’s.
(172) S. Sherry #N22018 (female Long, mtDNA test) Sherry’s father’s family was from central Pennsylvania. Sherry has traced the Long side of her family tree back
to the late 1700’s in Pennsylvania and New York.
(173) N. Steffy #50852 (mtDNA test) has female line to Sarah Long of Perry Co. PA
(174) Diana Long #140125 (female Long, mtDNA)
(175) Joseph Lincoln Long #154869 (no info)
(176) William A. Fisher #151481 Earliest known ancestor was grandfather, Edward Duell Fisher b. 1872 whose birth surname was reported by oral family history to be Cohen (or variant spelling) and Jewish. Possible error in the oral history given the fact that he has close Long matches. Edward Fisher was born in Mississippi and died in Memphis, TN. He had family ties to Georgia through his mother and perhaps his Cohen (?) father. William has unexplained 66/67 matches with #37 and #73 above.
(177) Stephen Long #158106 descends from Zacharias Long (1759-1827) patriot and innkeeper of southeastern PA, who in 1784 married Sarah, daughter of Rudolph Epprecht. Their children settled in PA, OH and NY. Stephen is the brother of Michael Long (124) above.
(178) Alan M. Long #158027 is descended from an early Jackson Co, TN Long family.
(179) Vincent Long #158151 Vincent’s lineage: Henry Long b. abt. 1650, d.1733< VA> / Bloomfield Long b. abt. 1692 <VA> d. 01-21-1778 <VA> / Benjamin Long b. 1728 <VA> d.1804 <VA> / Brumfield Long b. 1749< VA> d. 1823 <KY> / Samuel Long b. abt. 1795 <VA>, d. June 26, 1862 <MO> / Thomas Long b. abt 1824< MO>, d.???? <MO> / James Long b. 1849 <MO>, d.1926< MO> / Claud Orlando Long b.1898 <MO> / d. 1988 <MO> / Claude Bennett Long b.1936 <MO> .
(180) Beryl Ray Long #155248 The progenitor of this LONG family is James Long, born in 1753 in Rachel Turner, Talmo, Georgia. James died April 6, 1823 in Anderson County, South Carolina. James’ spouse was Margery Thompson who was born around 1750, in Augusta, Georgia. James had son Ezekiel Long, born 10/26/1797 in Brushy Creek, Anderson County, South Carolina. Ezekiel married Elizabeth Hughley, who was born 10/2/1800 in South Carolina. She died 6/8/1877. Ezekiel died on 8/23/1880.
(181) James “Seamus” T. Hojnowski #164033. Jim’s maternal line of descent originates from the Longs/Hastings in the Portaferry /Downpatrick, County Down ,Ards Peninsula Northern Ireland. His maternal grandmother was Mary Long born Glasgow Scotland, 4/24/1908. Mary’s father William John Long was born 18 May 1868 in Portaferry, County Down, Ireland. Mary’s mother was Mary Ann Hastings (born Ballygarvigan, Ballyphilip). Mary Ann Hastings mother was Ann Jane Long of Ballygarvigan Ballyphilip.
(182) William Polk Long #163779 Oldest known ancestor is John Long (1779-1837) who received a land grant in Franklin Co, TN in 1808. His wife’s name was Susannah and she is believed to be the Susannah McCullough that married a John Long in Greene Co., TN in Jan 1807.
(183) Robert Long #107030 is a descendant of William Long b. abt 1741, possibly in Scotland or Ireland. William died in Rutherford Co. NC 1830 and is buried in Brittain Presbyterian Churchyard Cemetery beside his wife Sara C. (last name unknown). One of his sons was John Long, born about 1866 in NC. In 1791 in Rutherford Co. NC, John married Isabella Long, his first cousin, daughter of Gloud Long (a brother of William) . Their children were: Jane born 1792 married Daniel Watson William born 1794 married Sarah Robertson, Gloud Finley born 1795 married Elizabeth Wells, James born 1800 married Sarah Whitesides moved to Texas, John A born 1802 married Frances Rhodes, Margaret born 1804 married Jesse M Groves – moved to Tennessee, Andrew Baxter born 1808 married Sara Almira Andrews and Isabella Malinda born 1813 married James Robinson
(184) William Long #167582 is believed to be a descendant of Jeremiah and Frances Long (who died before 1687) of Port Royal, Caroline County, Virginia. William’s line is proven to Captain John Long who was born in Port Royal, Virginia in 1755. Capt. John Long and his brother Laurence Long left Virginia in 1794, moved to Kentucky and then on to the Missouri Territory in 1797.
(185) Milo Roger Long #69489 Descendant of Patrick Long, b. circa 1748, Ireland
(186) Marvin Edward Long #169531 is researching the ancestry of his father John Gilbert Long (born. Independence, MO, ca. 1904) and his mother Eva Ione Day, (born ca. 1919 in Tower, MI)
(187) Bernice Eaton #170919 (mtDNA test)
(188) James Hoyt Long #110143 Earliest known ancestor was William Long, born about 1836 in Marion County, Tennessee and was married to Abigail McCreary, born about 1837, Tennessee. She died in 1926 in Hopkins, Earlington, KY. William’s father is listed in census records as Cornelius (Neles) Long (1811-1897). Cornelius’ father is Anderson Long (1786-1860). Anderson’s father is Anderson Long, Sr. (1762-1840) and Anderson’s father is Reuben Long of Culpepper VA (1730-1791).
(189) John Alexander Long #N72784 (no info)
(190) William Joseph Long #172735 is the greatgreatgrandson of Joseph Francis Long. Joseph Francis Long (1842-1923) was born in Carrolton, Louisiana and was a Civil War Private in Company A3 Missouri Cavalry. Joseph is believed to be the son of a Charles Long that died at sea in 1842 while immigrating to the USA with his pregnant wife. [This Long line runs thus: Charles Long > Joseph Francis Long > James Joseph Long > Gilbert James Long > James Bernard Long > William Joseph Long]
(191) Joe Arlee Delong #169812 (no info)
(192) Luther Theodore Long #173105 (deceased, March 2012) descendant of Daniel Long, Sr. b.1758 Sweden, d. 1819.
(193) L. E. Lang #172300 is descended from Louis and Pearl Lang of Atlanta, Winn Parish, Louisiana. Louis was b. 1886. Louis’ father was, according to oral history, of Scottish descent and from northern Louisiana.
(194) Veikko Kaarle Lange #170194 (no info)
(195) Armistead Ragland Long III #173963 Armistead Long, III, has a documented line to Reuben Long of Culpeper County, Virginia. Major Gabriel Long of Revolutionary War fame was the documented Uncle of Armistead Long born 1762 in Culpeper County, Virginia. It is believed that this Long line is descended from either Bromfield or Jeremiah Long. Armistead’s line is as follows: Reuben Long of Culpeper, VA >Unknown Long-deceased by 1789>Col. Armistead Long b. 1762 of Culpeper, VA > Armistead Long II b. 1801 > John Cralle Long b. 1833 > Armistead R. Long Sr b. 1859 > Armistead R. Long Jr B. 1910> Armistead R. Long III.
(196) C. M. Marshall-Jones #A2442 (female, mtDNA test)
(197) Lee Lang #176492 (no info)
(198) Jesse Long #177083 . Jesse’s line runs thus: John Long / Ann Herrington, (1722-1785)(PA) > Noah Long / Sarah Gapen, (1760-1814)(OH) > Noah Long, / Barbara Bollinger (1810-1885)(IN) > William Long / Mary Ann Smith, (1835-1918)(IN) > Noah Alfred Long / Rachel Eltzroth, (1862-1947)(IN) > Jesse
(199) Porter Click #177564 submitted his uncle’s DNA, Milton Long. Milton is son of Charles Culberson Long 1898-1956 of TX, son of William Henry Long 1844-1921 of TX, son of Samuel Anderson Long 1817-1866 of TX, son of Henry Long 1796-1867 of TX, son of Joseph Long 1770-1837 of Wythe Co, VA, son of Henry Long 1731-1809 of Russell Co, VA, son of Joseph Long 1695-1757 Augusta Co, VA. Family originated as Scotch Irish immigrants who came to Chester Co, PA in 1740s and settled in Augusta Co, VA. This Long family is noted for service in the Rev War, War of 1812 and Republic of Texas War of Independence. Porter can be contacted by email,
(200) Donald Long #N84068 is a descendant of John Long and Katherine (Braun) Long. John and Katherine were born in Germany and had son Henry Long b. 1831 in PA. Henry moved to Arlington, Rush County, Indiana and m. Perline Lemmon. Henry and Perlina had son Labon Long (Labon was b.1856, m. Eliza Olive Woods 1879). Donald’s grandfather Ira Long was b. 1881. Ira m. Iva McDaniel 1900. Donald’s father was Ira’s and Iva’s son Max they settled in Sebring, FL.
(201) Jimmie (aka. Jim) Long #180098 is a descendant of Thomas Long an Englishman who was born 1711-1714 in Yeadon, Yorkshire, England. He came to America in 1725 with his father Edward Long born Feb. 6, 1680, his mother Elizabeth Turner, and his brothers and sisters. Thomas met and married Martha Thatcher born 1714 in Chester Co., PA. They married on Sept. 8, 1735 in the Old Swedes Church in Wilmington, DE. Thomas had sons Edward born 1737, William and Thomas who served in the Revolutionary War under George Washington. They crossed the Delaware River on Christmas Eve and went against the Hessians and son James was too young to fight but helped in the war. Edward born 1737 had 3 sons James, George, and Isaac that became pastors. Jim’s line is Edward, Edward, Thomas, Edward, George, Isaac, Andrew Posey, James and Jimmie. Contact:
(202) Robbie Laura (Long) Burnett #176814 [FamilyFinder Test] Robbie’s line runs thus: Isham Long b. 1817 Tennessee, died bet. 1870 & 1880, Obion Co., TN. > Wright S. Long son of Martha Smith & Isham Long born 1848 probably Henderson Co., TN; d. abt 1916 Obion Co., TN > William Hardin Long, son of Mary Ellen Guinn and Wright S. Long, b. 1872 Obion Co; d. 1924 Obion Co. > Johnnie Robert Long, son of Pearl Lee Bailey and William Hardin Long, b. 1920, Obion Co., TN; d. 2001, Charleston, Mississippi > Robbie Long Burnett
(203) Kenneth W. Long #178135 (no info)
(204) James A. Long, III #E12240 This Long line has been traced back to James Long of Allen Township, Cumberland County Pa. who bought land there in c1755 and died there in 1764. According to family legend James was from Donegal, Ireland. James Long of Allen Township was a great grandfather of Dr. Crawford Williamson Long, first to perform an ether operation March 30, 1842. Dr Long’s statue is in the National Statuary Hall in the U.S. Capitol.
(205) Rutherford Long #152797 is a descendant of John Long of Rutherford County, North Carolina. John Long’s presumed father is William Long of Rutherford County, North Carolina. John Long was born in 1766 and in 1791 he married Isabella Long, daughter of Gloud Long, in Rutherford County, North Carolina. John Long had an apparent brother William Long born in 1769; he married Jane Smart in 1793 in Rutherford County, North Carolina. John Long also had a PROBABLE brother Gloud Long born between 1766 and 1774; he married Sarah Unknown in 1792 in Rutherford County, North Carolina.
(206) Martin Edwin Long #180157 Martin’s great grandfather was John Long born in Indiana, married Annie Hupp. Martin’s grandfather was John Philip Long born either in Kansas or Los Angeles Nov. 14, 1887.
(207) Thomas Graham Long #183401 is son of Selman Gale Long of John S. Long of Elias Long. Elias lived in Blair County, PA, moved Ohio > Kansas > Arkansas> Missouri.
(208) Leonard Rodney Long #184399 is the great-grandson of Alexander Long, born in the Franklin County, Tennessee area in 1828.
(209) Trevor (Thomas) Ludwig Long #N87735 Thomas’ earliest verified ancestor is John Sebastian Long, b.1829 Blount County, TN?, d. 1923, Binger, OK.
(210) Miner Barton Long #185135 is descended from a Thomas Long of PA that relocated to Guernsey Co, OH in the early 19th century.
(211) Ronald G. Long #185420 is a descendant of Thomas and Martha Thatcher Long through their son, Edward Long (1737-1806) and Jane Jones (1739-1821). Their son Edward Jr. and Mildred Bolton lived in Harrison County, Indiana. Their son Peter B. Long and his second wife, Pernecia lived in Missouri, Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. Their son George T. Long and Sarah Mankins lived in Sebastian County Arkansas, and their son, Robert Long Sr. of Oklahoma was Ronald’s grandfather.
(212) Charles W. Hill #183619 is a descendant of Robert Wade HILL (1811-1863) who was was the second husband of Elizabeth Epps Murphy, whose first husband was Gabriel Long Hill, whose parents were Green Hill, III, (born 5th May 1774, died 13th September 1830 in Greene County, Alabama) and Mary LONG, probably the daughter of Gabriel LONG of Franklin Co., N.C. and his wife, Susan Richardson. Mary Long Hill died in 1844. It is possible that Robert Wade Hill was not a Hill at all, but perhaps a LONG or a WADE. You can contact Charlie at
(213) Raymond Allen Long #N88563 is believed to have Irish ancestry. Has ties to Person/Caswell County in North Carolina and to southern Virginia. Born in Danville, Virginia.
(214) Frank Long #182233 is a cousin of #202 above. Frank’s father was William Wright Long, the son of William Hardin and his first wife Catharine Gantlett. Has matches with (36) & (97) above.
(215) Ricky Long #175715 (no info)
(216) Harold Gene Long #N87683 Is descended from great-grandfather Green B. Long (b: @1832 AL, d: 1894 Lake Charles, LA) who married Heloise “Minerva” LeBleu in Lake Charles, LA about 1867; James Long (b: @1803 SC, d: after 1870, unknown, probably LA) and Leanna/Lani G.; Jacob Long (b: 1774-1780 SC, d: 1853 Butler Co., AL) and Hepsabeth Ann; Thomas Long (b: @1730, unknown, d: 1796, Orangeburgh, SC) and Margaret. Other locations for Green Long are 1850 Caldwell Parish, LA, 1860 Hardin Co., TX, 1865 Bienville Parish, LA. Other locations for these Longs include Escambia, AL; Wilcox Co., AL; Barbour Co., AL; Winton Co., SC. Other family names include: Coe, Davis, Taylor, Williamson, and Phillips.
(217) Donald E. Long #184550 is a descendant of John Long and Katherine (Braun) Long. John and Katherine were born in Germany and had son Henry Long b. 1831 in PA. Henry moved to Arlington, Rush County, Indiana and m. Perline Lemmon. Henry and Perlina had son Labon Long (Labon was b.1856, m. Eliza Olive Woods 1879). Donald’s grandfather Ira Long was b. 1881. Ira m. Iva McDaniel 1900. Donald’s father was Ira’s and Iva’s son Max they settled in Sebring, FL.
(218) George McDowell Davis #11790 has been shown by DNA testing to have a close connection to #216 above.
(219) Tim Long #N90981 paternal great grandfather Bartholomew Long was born in Ireland about 1835, possibly in County Kerry. He emigrated to the U.S. in the 1850s or 60s and settled in Montgomery County, Indiana. He married Mary Murphy Brown, a widow, in 1865. He died in St. Louis, Mo., in 1881.
(220) Herman Alphonse Long #193552 ancestry has been traced back to a William (Mercer?) Long born around 1822 in Pennsylvania.
(221) Charles E. Long #194510 : Earliest documented ancestor was Thomas Long (b. 1762, d. 1829). Thomas Long was in Perry county, Missouri prior to 1809. Thomas , married to Elizabeth Belshas, had a daughter named Rebecca. Rebecca married Michael (1795) Burns on Dec.3, 1823. Michael was the son of Barnabus Burns and the grandson of Michael Burns (1750). Michael (1750) was one of the original settlers in Perry County, Missouri having migrated into Missouri in 1795. The 1790 US Census for Greene Twp, Washington County, Pennsylvania lists Michael Burns, Thomas Long and James Belshas as well as all of John (1722) Long and Anne Herrington’s sons. It is safe to assume the Burns, Belshas and Longs were all neighbors in Greene Township, Pennsylvania in 1790. Further support for this assumption is Rebecca was born in Kentucky in 1795. Most likely Thomas and his family left Pennsylvania and migrated with the Burns family to Missouri. The preceding data, and other ancestry works, do not assign Thomas (1762) as one of John (1722) and Anne’s sons but knowing they are of the same DNA places strong evidence on such as no other Long families are found in this area, at that time……Missouri lineage progressing from Thomas are Newton (b.1811, d. 1867), Jno (John) L. (b.1856, D,1933), Charles S. (b.1889, d.1962) and Charles E. (b. 1920, d. 2002) in Van Buren County, Michigan.
(222) James Matthew Long #197941, William Zone Long born in North Carolina. His wife was Elizabeth. The 1830 Burke County, GA census, shows Elizabeth and two boys William (Bill) Long born 1817 and John Long born 1819. John Long’s son John Perry Long is father to James Matthew Long (great great grandfather of #197941).
(223) Joan Long Beatrice Albright #N14732 (mtDNA test) is descended Robert Long (greatgrandfather born October 10, 1822, Armagh), and grandfather David Long b. Ontario, Canada.
(224) Walt M. Long #204111, grandfather was Walter Brown Long, born 1893, possibly in Chester County, South Carolina, was living in Rock Hill , SC when he passed away. The family lived many years in Lando, SC..
(225) Brian Phillip Porter #195262 is descended from James Porter (b. Kentucky 1802) and Sarah W. Naylor (b. Maryland 1811). Y-DNA and Family Finder DNA tests indicate close Long, Laing, Wilson and McGregor connections to Scot ancestry.
(226) Edmund Boyd Long (a.k.a. “Ned Long”) #205766 is descended from Joseph and Catherine Long (ca. 1820) in Bloom Twp or Bloomsburg in Columbia Cty. (formerly Northumberland County), PA. and/or the town of Berwick in neighboring Luzerne County. A possible immigrant ancestor, unconfirmed, is Johannes Long of Heidelberg, Germany.
(227) Female Long #208362 Long adoptee
(228) John Wheat Long $206580 Descendant of Lott Long, b.1810, of South Carolina. See: Dessert Family History
(229) Russell Long #209557 is descended from the Longs of Wiltshire, England. His earliest known ancestor Thomas Long of Semington (d. 1509) is thought to have been a nephew of Robert Long of Wraxall (d.1446/7). Other proven Wiltshire lines included in Russell’s ancestry are Whaddon, Monkton and Rood Ashton. His more immediate ancestors who established themselves in New Zealand from c.1886 were of Monkton Farleigh, a junior branch of Rood Ashton.
(230) William Long #209844 has been reliably traced for ten generations back to Wiltshire, England, to John Long of Netheravon (d. 1630), and his wife Catherine Bushell. John Long of Netheravon is thought to have been a great-great grandson of Thomas Long of Semington (d.1509). William’s ancestors include those Longs who were involved in sugar plantations in Jamaica in the 17th and 18th centuries and whose descendants married into various English aristocratic families. .
(231) #N96401 (no info)
(232) Robert Long #210087 earliest known Long ancestor was John Long, 1834-1924, born in Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, died in Mt Aetna, Berks County, Pennsylvania, married to Rebecca Minnich.
(233) Wiley Perry Long #210246, roots are in south Alabama where his great grandfather Wiley Perry Long, and grandfather, David Louis Long, are buried.
(234) Eddie Greg Long #211755 (no info)
(235) Harold Thomas Long #213667 (no info)
(236) Yvonne Alma Carlson #207795 See #119 above.
(237) Donald Geoffrey Long #B1160 is descended from Thomas Long (1621-1707) son of Richard Long. Thomas was born at Exeter, Devon, England, and baptised in the Church of St. Lawrence on 14 Dec 1621. He was well read in both ancient and modern literature, and was a voluminous controversial writer. He was Prependary of Exeter Cathedral in 1660, resigning in 1701. He had many descendants, some of whom moved to Tiverton, Devon in the 1780’s. From the mid 1860’s the family dispersed more widely in England, and some even emigrated to Canada.
(238) Russell K. Long #219050 is descendant of Johann Henrich Lang born 1710 in Switzerland. Johann’s son George Long was b. 1738 in Schoenau, Germany. George’s one brother was named Frederick. George’s son Jacob Long was born 1784 in Surry County, NC. Jacob had two brothers and three half brothers. Henry Long was born 1815 in Salem, NC. He had no brothers. William Long was born in 1848 in Gibson County, TN. He had four brothers. See: Russell’s Rootsweb-Ancestry Website .
(239) Elton Long #219072: Earliest known ancestor is George Long, a life long Maryland resident that moved to Bedford County PA shortly before his death. George Long had son John H. Long (b. 3/8/1803 in MD or PA., d. 4/7/1874) m. 2nd wife Elizabeth Burke (b. 1/19/1817 Bedford County, PA. d. 8/8/1876), other children of John were: George, Julia, Matthew, William, Daniel (moved to Missouri), Ananias, John Henry, Lucinda and perhaps others.
(240) Peter Long #219352 is descended from Thomas Long (1621-1707) son of Richard Long. Thomas was born at Exeter, Devon, England, and baptised in the Church of St. Lawrence on 14 Dec 1621. He was well read in both ancient and modern literature, and was a voluminous controversial writer. He was Prependary of Exeter Cathedral in 1660, resigning in 1701. He had many descendants, some of whom moved to Tiverton, Devon in the 1780’s. From the mid 1860’s the family dispersed more widely in England, and some even emigrated to Canada.
(241) Derek William Long #220253 Descendant of William Long (1695 to 1766) of Hilperton, Wiltshire, England. William’s father was probably a William Long(e) born ca. 1665, his marriage recorded in Trowbridge on 24 December 1689.
(242) John Milton Long #221900 John Milton Long Jr. is a descendant of William Long d. 1821 in what is now known as Grayson County, near Independence VA. William son of unknown parents. William’s spouse believed to have been Catherine “‘Caty” per his will, Death Sep 1828 in Long’s Gap, Grayson County, Virginia – unknown last name or parents, no date of birth. The line from William to John is: William Long (1755-1821), Samuel Long (1790-1848), Joel D. Long (1827-1913), Jefferson Darius Long (1860-1889), Dena Long (1882-1949), John Milton “Ray” Long (1923-2006), John Milton Long Jr. (born 1949). Questions: email
(243) Richard William Long #222063 Descendant of Thomas D Long b 1803, VA and Mary L Bond, married July 1822, Louisa Co, VA.
9 children. VA until about 1830 > Kentucky By 1845 had moved to MO> 1852 moved back to Kentucky>1859 moved to ARK> Thomas D Long d 1865, Fayetteville, AR. Lineage is Richard W Long >John C Long b 1923, MO >Leonard Long b 1897, MO> John Thomas Long b.1875, MO> John Elliott Long b 1850, MO> Richard H Long b 1825, Orange Co, VA> Thomas D Long b.1803, VA
Recent paper trail and DNA leads us to believe that Thomas D Long, John S Long and Lucy Ann Long are the children of Richard Long and Nancy Stephenson md 1796 Orange Co, VA. Nancy Stephenson lineage goes back to John Long b abt 1695 through Hawkins lineage.
(244) Gilbert Lisle Long #168559 Earliest known ancestor is Christian Lang b.1664 from Palatinate, Germany settled in Pennsylvania, Lancaster County.
(245) Jimmie Ray Long #678573 [Note: Kit 222855 has been combined with Kit 678573] Written documents prove lineage as follows: Jimmie Ray Long>Roy S Long jr>Roy S Long sr b 1897 Indian Territory>James Thomas Long b 1856 Missouri>Richard H Long b 1825 Orange Co Virginia>Thomas D Long b 1803 Virginia. Further DNA test matching indicates the lineage continues; > Richard Long and Nancy Stephenson that married 1796 in Orange Co Virginia. YDNA test confirms he is a descendent of Brumfield Long in “group C”.
(246) James Campbell Woods #222154 Edward Long Sr. b.1650 England d. unk Yorkshire, England > Edward Long, Jr. b.1675 England d. unk > Thomas Long b.11Aug1717 West Riding, Yorkshire, England d. 1740 Somerset, Pennsylvania > Edward Long b.1737 Somerset, Pennsylvania d. 18Aug1806 Pittsylvania County, Virginia > Rev. George Long b.1771 Loudoun, Virginia d.17Jan1849 or 1850 Riceville, McMinn County, Tennessee > John Long b.1799 Pittsylvania, Virginia d. 7Sept1885 Chenchat, Walker, Georgia > No more sons.
(247) William Jeffery Long #227384 Earliest known Long ancestor is Michael Long of County Cork, Ireland who m. Mary Stanton. One of their sons, William Long 1835-1895 emigrated to Fall River, Bristol County, MA.
(248) William Neal Long #220568 Descendant of Joseph Long b.1770 VA. sp. Catherine Foster, immigranted from Ireland to Augusta Co VA. early 1700’s. Joseph Long had son William F. Long b.before 1800 VA sp..Elizabeth Black, Wm F.> on Wm Henry Long b. 1830 TN,sp. Nancy Forrest > Wm Henry had son Henry Promroy Long born aft 1870, sp.Frances Cavender > Henry had son Vernon Neal Long b. 1905 Atascosa Co, TX sp.Lillie Mae Cleveland > William Neal Long b 1936 Freer, TX. sp. Reba Faye Ernestene Lame.
(249) Kenneth Dwayne Long #228262 descendant of Edward Long 1810-1859 in Texas.
(250) Jack Long #226643 GreatGreatGrandson of James Long and Lousia Davis…1850 census Hawkins Co. Tenn, G. Grandfather .THOMAS INGRAM LONG b 1838, and the many families of Longs Crossing,, mostly from Tenn. Il. Mo.
(251) Nigel Long #226138 is descended from Thomas Long (1621-1707) son of Richard Long. Thomas was born at Exeter, Devon, England, and baptised in the Church of St. Lawrence on 14 Dec 1621. He was well read in both ancient and modern literature, and was a voluminous controversial writer. He was Prependary of Exeter Cathedral in 1660, resigning in 1701. He had many descendants, some of whom moved to Tiverton, Devon in the 1780’s. From the mid 1860’s the family dispersed more widely in England, and some even emigrated to Canada.
(252) Mark Ryan Long #220599 William H. Long (b.1828) and Elizabeth Catherine Cottrell (b.1829 Pennsylvania) -> Alexander H. Long (b.1847 Smith County, Virginia) -> Robert William Long (b.1884 Lee Co, VA) -> Conda M. Long (b. 1914 Rose Hill, VA) -< Ralph Harmon Long (b. 1941 Rose Hill, VA).
(253) Doherty #128243 (removed from Long Surname DNA Project March 12, 2013 due to lack of contact information)
(254) Erin Long #B1927 Proven back to Reuben Long, father of Addison L Long b. 1815 d. 1862 lived in Caroline County VA as follows: Erin Long → Wayne Long → Edwin Louis Long (1905-1968 Clay Co MO) → Ernest Edwin Long (1888-1948 Clay Co MO) → Edwin Louis Long (1859 VA – 1904 Clay Co MO) → George Muriel Long (1839 VA – 1913 Clay Co MO) → Addison L Long (1815- Abt 1862 Caroline Co VA) → Reuben Long (1785 – Abt 1816 Caroline Co VA) → John Long (Abt 1750 – 1792 Caroline Co VA) m. Amey Gatewood
(255) Edward Gerald Hanslip Long #229752 is a Wiltshire Long whose line runs: Edward, Gerald Hanslip, Gerald Hanslip, Lawsell, Hanslip, William, William, and Richard married 1721 in Bottisham, Cambridgeshire.
(256) Andrew Long #226139 earliest known ancestor is William Long bc.1670, who married and lived in Norfolk, England. He has a match with participant (135) who’s earliest known ancestor was Robert Long b.1590 in St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England.
(257) DeLong #230166 (no info)
(258) Dennis S. Long #204141 descendant of John Long who was born in North Carolina in 1785. He died in Lawrence, Arkansas in 1847. He married Elizabeth Parker 12-7-1820 in Knox, Tennessee. She was born in Illinois in 1787 and died in Arkansas.
(259) Joseph Wylie Long #B2425 Joseph Wylie Long Born 1921 Missouri. Son of Wylie Erastus Long 1893-1975 TX and Maebelle Gillilan 1900-1960 TX. Wylie’s parents, James Cicero Long 1860 AL- 1907 TX and Frances Minerva Ballard 1868 AL-1945 TX. James’ parents, William John Long 1819 SC-1864 AL and Nancy Ann Prince 1821 SC-1900 AL. It is believed that William John’s parents are William Long born about 1787 SC and died after Jun 1870 AL and Mary (last name unknown) born SC and died between Jun 1860 and Jun 1870 AL. By 1835, William and Mary had left Fairfield, SC and moved to Russell now Lee County, AL. They had 4 known children but there could be others. Daughter of tester has autosomal matches with descendants of William and Mary’s daughters, Naomi Long McKemie and Harriett Caroline Long Blalock. Looking for a connection to other South Carolina Longs.
(260) Diana Wright (nee Long) #232643 [Family Finder test]. -> Lee Arthur Long (California)1917-1989 -> Charles Arthur Long 1890-1971 (Oklahoma and California) -> Elvin Long 1818-1883 (NC and Oklahoma) and maybe Isham Long of North Carolina
(261) Jeffrey Long #234553 is descended from George Long bc.1755 in Gloucestershire, England. He lived in the village of Moreton Valence. It is believed that Jeffrey’s line is descended originally from the Long’s of Ashleworth, in Gloucestershire, but this has not been proven. The Ashleworth Long’s originated in Wiltshire, England.
(262) William Houston Mooneyham #220702 descends from William Houston who married Susanna Long on June 29, 1798 in Greene Co. NC/TN
(263) Robert Wayne Long #235429 is descended from Benjamin Long who received 160 acres of land in 1835 in Dade County, Georgia. Asa [2/15/1826-2/6/1869] and Presley Castleberry [1825- ]were two of his sons. Asa’s son Lookout [3/1853-10/30/1933], and Presley Castleberry’s daughter, Louvina Jane [1/25/1858-12/28/1909] married and moved to Arkansas.
(264) Nathan Paul Long #235859 (no info)
(265) Donna Holland #236115 Ms. Holland (and her male Long DNA donor cousin) are great-great-great grandchildren of James Long, born ca 1784 in Maryland and living in Crawford County, Georgia by about 1825. Histories of the area tell that James Long , and several of his sons and grandsons, were involved in the making of pottery in addition to farming. Oral history says this Long family line came from many generations of potters, going back to New- Castle-on-Tyne, England, that they were of Scotch-Irish descent and that the family line was established in the U.S. as early as the late 1600’s. Y-DNA results indicate connection to Samuel Long of Somerset County, Maryland.
(266) David Wayne DeZwaan #236398 is the grandson of Clarence William Long (born ca.1883) of Kent County, Michigan. Clarence William Long is believed to have migrated from Louisiana to Kent County, Michigan. Family records indicate that immigrant Daniel Long ancestor (b.1758 Wiltshire, England) settled in Guernsey County, PA.
(267) Mark Anthony Long #N107893 is from near Bunclody (known as NewTownBarry prior to 1952) in County Wexford, Ireland. His father was Patrick Long born 1923. Grandfather was James Long d. 1933. His father was called Henry Long. All these men lived in the same 3 mile radius in Co. Wexford and were farmers. Mark’s Grand Uncle Michael Long emigrated to the USA in the 1890’s.
(268) Jonathan David Riggle Long #232522 has confirmed relations to William Long b. abt 1810 in Clark County Indiana and his decedents that remained in Southern Indiana.
(269) K. Long #N108340 descended from John Long (b.1849, d.1873) from the parish of St.Mary and St. Anne on the northside of Cork City, Ireland. John’s parents were James Long & Ellen Morrissy who married in same parish in 1834.
(270) Eldon Anthony Long #240638 Eldon Anthony Long is a descendant of William Long d. 1821 in what is now known as Grayson County, near Independence VA. William son of unknown parents. William’s spouse believed to have been Catherine “‘Caty” per his will, Death Sep 1828 in Long’s Gap, Grayson County, Virginia – unknown last name or parents, no date of birth. The line from William to Eldon is: William Long (1755-1821), Samuel Long (1790-1848), Joel D. Long (1827-1913), William Washington Long (1853-1942), Paris Franklin Long 1876-1957), Eldon Long (1918-1981), Eldon Anthony Long. Questions: email or
(271) Howard Thomas Long #241341 (on request)
(272) Richard E. Long #242227 (on request)
(273) George David Long #243495 descends from James Long b. Feb. 26, 1813 Augusta County VA and d. Upshur County WV July 22, 1887. Marriage bond recorded in Augusta County VA, Jan. 24, 1839, married Elizabeth Ann Vance daughter of Chrisley and Sarah Bush Vance. Marriage bond includes the name of Reuben Long relationship unknown. James is buried in Upshur County WVa as well as Elizabeth and her mother Sarah.
(274) Herbert S. Long #192028 is son of C. Eugene Long b.1886 of Adam Long b.1855, of Isaac Long b. 1827, of Benjamin Long b. 1797, of Christian Long & Barbara Landis Long. All born in Warwick Twp, Lancaster Co. PA. Immigrant Christian Lang was born Germany 1664 arr. Philadelphia early1700’s, settled Hickorytown, PA abt 1718.
(275) Dale Holman #214055 (on request)
(276) James Nicholas Long #247071 (on request)
(277) Roger Dale Long #250284 Descended from the Longs of Greene County, PA. Earliest known is Jeremiah Long (b. 1821 in PA, d:1867 in Iowa) who married Mary Ann Bell in 1843 in PA then moved to Mahaska County, IA in the 1850s. DNA indicates relationship to John Long & Ann Harrington of MD, maybe through their son Jeremiah Long & Mary Ivers.
(278) Patricia Hankins #244530 (Female – Family Finder Test) Oldest known Long family member is Edward Long (b 1675) from Yorkshire, England. His son, Thomas Long (1717-1740) immigrated to PA and was married to Martha Thatcher. His son, Edward Long (1737-1806) lived in Pittsylvania, VA, and was married to Jane Jones. Their son, George (1771-1849) married to Elizabeth Maples lived in Bedford, VA. Their son, Moses (1795-1878) and wife, Rhoda Atchley lived in McMinn Co, TN. Son, Pleasant Miller Long (1821-1879) and wife, Louisa Jane Crittendon, also lived in McMinn Co., TN. Son, James Thomas Long (1858-1930) and Paralee Bigham lived in Riceville, TN. Their son William Carey “Cade” Long (1880-1972) and wife, Carrie Cooper, settled in Lakeland, FL.
(279) Alan M. Long #251408 is a descendant of Nathaniel Long b. 1770 Cork City, Ireland See:
(280) Valerie Ann Langan #250545 descendant of James G. Long (b.1854, d.1900 or 1910) Colorado. James m. Minnie Pearson, b.1867, Missouri d. 1924 El Paso County, Texas. James and Minnie had issue: James Ross Long, Ray E. Long, Hazel K. Long and Robert Bryan Long. Robert Bryan Long b.1897, Cripple Creek, Colo., d. 1952. Robert Bryan Long m. Mary Rhoda Griffin, b.1900, Lexondale, Mass. d.1972, Bronx, NY.
(281) Archie Cumbee #B3074 descendant of Joel Long, 1798-1868, Brunswick County, NC. (Male Long descent but uses Cumbee surname)
(282) Deward Joseph Houck Esq #82186 paternal grandfather’s mother was Regina Anne Long, born 1846 in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. That line traces back to Gabriel Long born 1560 in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany as follows: Regina Anne Long b.1846 Cherryhill, Indiana Co, PA; Francis Long b. 1818, Pennsylvania: William Long b. 1791, Bedford Co, PA; Christopher Long b. 1765: Matthias Long b. 1745 PA; Heinrich Emanuel Long b. 1700, Germany; Philip Long b. 1678, Alsace,; France; Johannes Lung b.1648, Baden-Wurttemberg; Conrad Lung b. 1604, Baden-Wurttemberg; Gabriel Lung b. 1560, Germany
(283) Joseph Terry Guidry #256411 Possibly a descendant of a John Long of unknown origin with descendants that settled in Acadia Parish, Louisiana.
(284) John Harris Long #256420 descendant of William C. Long b1844 and d 1904
(285) James Robert Long #252992 is a descendant of Henry Long (b. 13 Feb 1764, d. 1 Aug 1842) and Maria Catherine Utz (d. 30 Sept 1848) of Eshcol, Perry County, PA. It is believed that Henry’s father immigrated from Germany.
(286) William Cornelious Long #258831 paternal line is: father William Cornelious Long, Jr. born in Columbus, Ohio in 1919, grandfather William Cornelious Long, Sr. born in Cumberland, Maryland 1896, great grandfather Joshua Walter Long born 1874 in Cumberland, Maryland, great-great grandfather William C. Long born 1844 in Pennsylvania probably near Welsh Run in Franklin County, great-great-great-grandfather may have been Phillip Long also from the Welsh Run area in Franklin County, Pennsylvania.
(287) Katherine Marie Bell #257013 is the daughter of Arthur Thomas Long born near Stockton, California. Arthur’s father was William Frank Long born 14 Sep 1879 in Pennsylvania (possibly Millcreek, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania) and died 09 Sept 1953 in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. WFL’s parents were Isaac W Firestone and Emma of Millcreek, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Isaac Firestone died Aug 1920 in Richland, Lebanon County, PA. WFL changed his surname from Firestone to Long. He appears to have been married (or not?) 3 times. He worked for the railroad in California, Colorado, Ohio and MO.
(288) Charles Lyman Long #259596 is descended from the David Long that died in of Queen Anne’s County Maryland in 1697.
(289) Lloyd Duane Long #266622, descendant of Richard Long (b. ca 1790) of Lincoln / Cleveland / Gaston Counties of North Carolina.
(290) William Brooks Long #266628, descendant of Richard Long (b. ca 1790) of Lincoln / Cleveland / Gaston Counties of North Carolina.
(291) F. R. Long #265477 Paternal line as follows: Forrest Long, b 1936 TX, < Forrest Long, b 1901 TX, < Edward Arastus Long, b 1864 MS, < Edward M Long, b 1840 MS, < Edward Morris Long, b 1806 NC or TN.
(292) Kenneth Brian Lange # 268323, descendent of Carl Friedrich Johannes Lange b. 1829 in Grenzhof, Kurland, Russia (now part of Latvia). CFJL m. Amalie Mathilde Konigsmann in 1860 in Tartu (aka Dorpat), Estonia. They had the following children: (1) Amalie Juliane Elizabeth b. 1860, (2) Emma Rosalie b.1862, (3) Arthur Ludwig Carl b.1864, (4) Wilhelm Friedrich Johann b. 1866, (5) Olga Emilie Mathilde b.1871, (6) Paul Eugene b.1873, and (7) Hermann Wilhelm Johann b.1876. Wilhelm (participant’s grandfather) came to the United States in 1886 and in 1894 moved from Washington state to the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada area and m. Margaret Schwindt in 1901.
(293) Larrie Jay Long #268782 Paternal line: [Gen #1] Johannes Lang (John Long) b.1693 Zennern, Hesse, Germany arrived and lived Lancaster PA 1712, d.1767 in Lancaster Co PA. [#2] Joseph Long b.1727 Manheim, Lancaster, PA. moved near Hagerstown MD 1787 [Elizabethtown] then to Huntingdon Co PA, then to Bedford Co PA in 1795, d. Oct 1804 Germany Valley, Huntingdon Co, PA. [#3] David Long b.1774 Lancaster Co, PA. lived Hagerstown MD, then Bedford Co PA, d.1848 Bakers Summit, PA. [#4] Joseph S. Long b.1821 Bakers Summit, PA. d.1892 Bakers Summit, PA. [#5] Jacob P. Long b. 1850 Bakers Summit, PA, moved to Nebraska and then to Loysburg, PA, d.1930 [#6] Jacob P. Long Jr b.1888 Tecumseh, Nebraska, moved to Altoona, PA d.1983 [#7] Jay Leon Long b.1909 Osterburg, Bedford, PA., lived in Maryland, d.1993 Altoona, PA
(294) Steven James Coker #141217 is a descendant of Susan Long and Franklin Challis Bonner both born about 1860 and resided in Escambia County, Florida.
(295) Carolyn Delores Stewart #266032 is a descendant of Susan Long and Franklin Challis Bonner both born about 1860 and resided in Escambia County, Florida.
(296) Frederick Townsend Coker #197959 is a descendant of Susan Long and Franklin Challis Bonner both born about 1860 and resided in Escambia County, Florida.
(297) Sue Jane Mathews #267056 (on request)
(298) Edward Long #271407 believed to be a descendant of Samuel Long (b. Cumberland, Pennsylvania 1773, d. 1828) m. Catherine Piper(1779-1825).
(299) Janice Woods Eastwood #260412 ancestors include: Thomas Long b.1717 Yorkshire, England, d. 1740 Somerset, Pennsylvania -> Edward Long b.1737 Somerset, Pennsylvania, d.1806 Pittsylvania, VA -> Rev. George Long b. 1771 Loudoun Co., VA, d.1849 McMinn Co, TN -> John Albert Long b. 1799 Pittsylvania, VA d.1885 Walker County, GA → Nancy Long b. Sevier Co. TN 1822, d.1887 Logan Co. Arkansas.
(300) Frank Martin #184544 (on request)
(301) (#276983 Not used)
(302) Jeffrey Scott Long #267135 (on request)
(303) Jack Winfred Long #259593 related to a Long family of the Chattanooga, TN, Lookout Mountain area.
(304) Walter William Long #269740 (on request)
(305) John William Long #282245 John’s earliest known Long ancestor is his great grandfather James Longe (born 1811 died 1889) of Inagh, County Clare, Ireland. His grandfather, Michael Long (b.1859) emigrated from Ireland to Queensland, Australia in the late 19th century with a brother (Patrick) and four sisters (Mary, Bridget, Ellen and Margaret). One of Michael’s brothers (Thomas Longe – b.1872) emigrated to the USA (Pennsylvannia) and raised a family there.
(306) John Edward Long #284801 (on request)
(307) E. Long #267054 was born in London, England and traced his Long line back six generations to late 18th century Cambridgeshire.
(308) Paul T. E. Cusack #160913 (on request)
(309) Franklin Delano Long #276211 oldest known Long ancestry is James R. Long b. May 23, 1811, d. June 7, 1896, m. Catharine Havner Jan 3, 1833 in Lincoln Co. NC. C. Havner b abt 1811, d.1869. Both lived in Lincoln/Gaston, NC. Their ninth child was Wallace R Long b. May 5, 1849 in Gaston Co. NC m. Matilda Adeline Dunn b Feb 19 1840, Mecklenburg Co, NC, d. Dec 7 1918 in Rock Hill SC. Their first born was Esley McLean/McClain Long b Aug 20, 1869 at Belmont, NC. m. Sally Elizabeth Coley of Mooresville, NC.
(310) Alicia Marie Iling #270183 (on request)
(311) Darrel Kent Long #283197 (on request)
(312) Matt Zweydoff #262189 Descendant of Andrew Long (b. 15 Sep 1774, Virginia; d. 30 Sep 1857, Larue County, Ky.) and Elizabeth Hendricks.
(313) Steve Nelson Long #289249 Descendant of Milton Long, born 1807 in Franklin County, Kentucky
(314) Earl Clarence Long #291206: Reuben Long → Hardy Long b. ca. 1787 Lincoln County, NC (m. Rachel Cash) → James Long, Pulaski Co, Kentucky (m. America Stubblefield) → Robert L. Long → Robert Franklin Long, Grainger County, TN → Earl Clarence Long
(315) Timothy David Long #291900: descendant of JOHN LONG b.1735 in Ireland/Scotland, d.1818 Grainger, TN. (He is of Scots-Irish origins migrating from London Derry Ireland circa 1754-55. Is possibly the son or relative of Joseph Long and Anne Crockett as stated in Calhoun family records. Also shown in early land records of Staunton and Botecourt, Virginia after Joseph Longs death and documented will of 1757.) → ROBERT LONG b. December 29, 1770 Augusta County, Virginia, d. October 07, 1857 Grainger County, Tennessee. → WILLIAM PATTERSON LONG b. August 16, 1811 Morristown, Hamblin County, Tennessee, d. May 31, 1897 in Morristown, Hamblin County, Tennessee. → EDWARD LEEPER LONG b. October 27, 1842 Marshall’s Ferry, Grainger County, Tennessee, d. April 11, 1915 Morristown, Hamblin County, Tennessee. → SAMUEL CALVIN LONG b. November 18, 1878 Hamblin County, Tennessee, d. January 30, 1928 Marietta, Oklahoma. → CLARENCE EUGENE LONG b. July 24, 1905 Sanger, Texas, d. September 21, 1941 Marietta, Oklahoma. → RONALD EUGENE LONG b. May 03, 1927 Seminole, Oklahoma, d. November 09, 2004 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
(316) John Daniel Long #301748 (on request)
(317) Barry Eller #290145 (on request)
(318) Mavis Helen Menzies (female) #296352 is a descendant of Samuel Long (b. 1806 Washington Co. MD – d. 1878 Marion Co. IA) m. Hannah ( Washington Co. MD, 1856-1860 Decatur Co. IA); family moved to Ross Co. OH ca 1840 and then to Decatur Co. IA ca 1856. Samuel and Hannah had issue: John Henry Long (1829–1876), Jacob H. Long (1832-1879); Margaret Ann Long (1835-1873), Lydia Long (1837-1903), Tomas Wesley Long (1842-1922)
(319) Jeffrey Dickman (adopted surname) #281119 Adopted through the Adoption Institute of Los Angeles, CA. Mother was born around 1939 – likely Minnesota – Her parents are French-Canadian and Ocadian (perhaps the Dulac and Simondet names). Father was born around the 1936 – likely in CA. His parents may be English and Norwegian (Long and Longan names). Has a 64/67 yDNA match with #209 above.
(320) Carl Joseph Long #305706 is a descendant of Reuben Long 1759 Virginia – 1847 Grainger, Tennessee. Carl’s father was Carl J Long Sr. (1915-1968) born 1915 in Bean Station, Tenn. to Frank L Long (1889-1961) and Cora M Miller Long (1895-1978). Frank’s parents were William W Long(1855- 1910) and Mary Long(1852-1922). Frank’s line can be traced back to Reuben Long (1759-1847) born in Halifax Va through both his mother and father (they were cousins). His paternal line was as follows: William W> John Lawson > Lawson A > Reuben Long (1759). The maternal line was: Mary > Hardy A. > John > Reuben (1759). This Long line lived in the Grainger Co. area of Tennessee. Frank and Cora moved to Hendricks Indiana around 1927 from Grainger County. They moved to Indianapolis Indiana before 1940 where they both died.
(321) Vernon L. Long #306513 Vernon’s line of descent is as follows: Reuben Long (1759 VA–1847 TN) –>Parteman/Piteman “Porter” Long (1800 NC – 1846/50 TN –> Joseph Long (1846 TN – 1922 MO) –> Dickson D. Long (1882 MO – 1939 MO) –>Vernon L. Sr (1915 MO – 1978 MO).
(322) Frank Daniel Long #272248 Brother of #287 above
(323) David Earl Long #307079 descendant of JOHN LONG d. 9 JUN 1792 (he married Amey Gatewood in Caroline County, Virginia about 1782). → REUBEN LONG b. 13 SEP 1785 (Married Patsy Landrum b. 5 OCT 1791) → ADDISON L LONG b. 6 MAR 1815 Caroline County, Virginia d. 1865 Caroline County, Virginia → GEORGE M LONG b. 26 Jul 1839 Caroline County, Virginia d. 21 APR 1913 Mosby, Clay County, Missouri → ADDISON L LONG b. 3 MAR 1863 Caroline County, Virginia d. 22 DEC 1928 Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri → ADDISON L LONG b. 10 AUG 1886 Moberly, Randolph County, Missouri d. 23 DEC 1970 Bakewell, Hamilton County, Tennessee → EARL PHILIP LONG b. 9 MAR 1912 Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio d. 22 JAN 1967 Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio.
(324) Julie Dailey #B6185 [Autosomal results from third party tests indicate (90) above is possible sibling]
(325) Brian Lang #315711, descendant of Richard Francis Lang (b. 1939 Rochester, NY, Monroe County; d. March 16, 2010, New Bern, NC); Edward Lang Jr. (b. ~1915 Rochester, NY, Monroe County; d. 2004 Satellite Beach, FL); Edward Lang Sr. (b. 1800s Rochester, NY, Monroe County; d. 1900s Rochester, NY)
(326) Eric Long #326530, descendant of John Adam Long/Lang (1737-1814) and Anna Maria who lived near Littlestown, PA (Adams county); German descent. Children of John and Anna Maria include: Catherine, Conrad, George, Ludwick, Mary, Elizabeth, Maria, Peter. John and Anna’s son George Long (1769-1835) married Barbara Buss(pronounced “booze”) both likely born near Littlestown, PA (Adams county) on the border of Carroll county, MD and moved to Jefferson township, Richland county, Ohio by 1830. Children of George and Barbara include: Samuel (1803-1860) (m. Eliza Bowersox), Lydia, Hannah, David (m. Catherine Sowers), Matilda, and Sarah.
(327) James Lang #317435 William Lang & Elizabeth Brown → William Lang (b. c1786 Ireland) & Elizabeth Hill → John Hamilton Lang (b.1824 Glasgow) &Martha Middleton → Thomas Lang (b. c1860 Glasgow) & Martha McEwan → Hugh Lang (b. 1897 Glasgow)
(328) Janet Snarr Rogers #320642 (later)
(329) Robert Lee Edgeton #B8029 (later)
(330) Graham Robert Long #313409 descended from William Long, born about 1779. He was most likely born in England, married to Ann ?. By 1817 he and his wife are living in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire and remained there until he died there in 1830 at age 51. From the initial DNA testing it seems the closest match is to above participant (255) Edward Gerald Hanslip Long whose ancestor is a Richard Long in Cambridgeshire.
(331) Franklin William Long #329096 (later)
(332) Ann Long Novo #337187 (later)
(333) Cynthia Bennett #335484 Descendant of Ambrose Long of Caroline Co VA that came to Person County, NC when he was in his 20’s. His father was John Long that died in Caroline Co., VA. Cynthia’s GM was Callie Long>GGF Richard Long who married Frances Parrott>2nd GGM Mary Long>3rd GGF Jacob Long who married Sarah “Sally” Bowes>4th GGF James Long – wife unknown>5th GGF Ambrose Long, b 1736 in Caroline County, VA, came to Person County, NC and died there in 1791. His wife Elizabeth > 6th GGF John Long, 1695 – 1756, died in Caroline County, VA, his wife Ann 1694 – 1767. Those researching Long’s of Person County are invited to contact Cindy at
(334) C. Taylor #B8539 (has close match with #79)
(335) Jeffrey Lawn #347207, Earliest Long ancestor is John Henry Long/Lawn b.14 May 1812, d. 6 September 1847 Macomb, McDonough County, Illinois. John married Eunice Corinthia Twitchell and had four children: Electra Jane Lawn b. 1838, Jasper “Joseph” Henry Lawn b. 1839, James Haskell Lawn b. 1841, and Christopher Lorenzo Lawn b. 1845.
(336) Patrick Longe #349167 grandson of Robert F. Longe of Douglas, Georgia
(337) Ronald Truex #335540 (later)
(338) Dawn Mooney #349393 Descendant of Peter E. Long b.1862 Fannin Co. GA m. Sarah Melinda Bailey
(339) Joanne Heckmann (Lang), #357300 is a descendant of Otto (Junior) Theodore Lang (b. 1924 in Rochester, NY, Monroe County; d. 2001 in Lady Lake, FL); Otto T Lang (b. 7 Mar 1899 in Penfield, NY, Monroe County; d. 19 Apr 1969 in Rochester, NY, Monroe County); Wilhelm/William Lang, blacksmith (b. 30 Sep 1861 in Schwaikheim, Waiblingen, Wurttemberg, Germany; d. 10 Feb 1929 in Rochester, NY, Monroe County), Andreas Lang (b. 29 Apr 1822 in Schwaikheim, Waiblingen, Wurttemberg, Germany); Andreas Lang (b. 13 Dec 1791 in Schwaikheim, Waiblingen, Wurttemberg, Germany, d. 6 Jan 1868). William’s other children include William F, 1889-1955; Charles C, 1890-1969; Anna S (Field), 1887-1973; Lena Wilhelmina (Kramer), 1885-1982
(340) Chris Long #345983 is a descendant of James Long (b. ~ 1818/19 in Ohio, d. 1849 in Jefferson County, Ohio) m. Mary Brandon, cir 1838 —> William Hamilton Long (b. May 12, 1840 in LaGrange township, Jefferson County, Ohio, and d. June 6, 1865 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) m. Sarah Jane Caskey —> William Francis Long (b. Nov. 22, 1862 Pittsburgh, PA and d. July 21, 1956 Uniontown, PA) m. Kate F. Wood —> Joseph Benjamin Long (b. Aug 10, 1909 in Uniontown, PA and d. June 24, 1981 in Falls Church, VA) m. Virginia C. Clay.
(341) Page DeWitt Long #361034 is a descendent of Charles Long and Elizabeth Hagler. Charles was b.1811 in NC and moved to Barbour County, AL between 1835 & 1837. Charles and Elizabeth had a son George Long, b.1840 in Barbour or Dale County, AL. George m. Mary Robinson. George Long and Mary had a son, Melton /Milton Long, b. June 17, 1878 in Barbour County. Researchers may contact Sharon Long Starling .
(342) Francis Raymond Thompson #167075 Based on Y-DNA test results, is a descendant of William Long (1755-1821 of Virginia) and William W. Long (1856-1915 of Ohio, Colorado, and Oregon).
(343) William L. Lewis #323424 most distant ancestor Capt. John Long, 25 Dec 1755, Port Royal, Virginia
(344) J. B. McGregor #358785 A McGregor that has close yDNA matches with Longs.
(345) Jim Long #369276 connects to John S. Long, b 1802 & Sarah Reynolds Long; his parents Richard B. Long b 1760 and Elizabeth Burney Long b 1770.
(346) Patricia (Long) Heintz B18041 (autosomal DNA test) oldest suspected Long ancestor is Johannes Lang (1613-1723) of Langen, Switzerland. Immigrant ancestor Herman Lang/Long (1702-1773) arrived in America and settled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
(347) Diane Speigle B14190 descendant of immigrant George Long (Aug 1, 1738 Germany – Jan 8, 1805 NC ) and Catharina Miller (Jul 13, 1749 PA – Feb 8, 1784 NC). Autosomal DNA results indicate connections to #90, #132, and #341 above. Ms. Spiegle can be emailed at
(348) Edith Long-Reynolds #178951 (later)
(349) Sue Gallamore #B32204 Female maiden name Long. Sue’s line of Longs came originally from the vicinity of Baden, Germany, entering America in 1731 on the Charming Betsy. Johannes Long (Lang, Longe), b. 1688, settled in North Carolina (Rowan County) with his wife and five children. The third generation — Fredrick Long (1784 – 1867) and his wife, Charity Siceloff (1778 – 1873) left North Carolina for southwest Ohio (Clermont County) where he was a preacher of some note. They are buried in Mulberry Cemetery. Their son, Enoch (1812 – 1862), also a preacher, was called to Van Wert County, Ohio and several generations of Longs called Van Wert and Allen Counties their homes.
(350) D. Long #387586 (on request)
(351) Scott Long #B39359 (later)
(352) Lauren Moretti #B42063 Descended from: Edward Long b 1810 AL or TN & Alcy _____ b. 1810 TN > Catherine Long b 1841 TN & Theophilus Dove b 1832 TN > Robert James Dove b 1870 TX & Beulah Eugena Whitaker b 1875 TN .
(353) Melvin Long #327715 The William Jex Long family through the descendant of kit #353 originated in Wiggenhall, St. Germans Parish, Norfolk, England. William Jex Long was born 13 Feb 1830 in Battle, Sussex, England and later emigrated on 13 July 1852 to Chicago, Cook County Illinois, USA. The family and descendants of William Jex Long the immigrant resided in and around Cook County, Illinois and also throughout the greater suburbs of the Chicago area from 1852 through the early 1980s. Now this family is scattered all over Illinois and the USA.
(354) P. D. Long #397318 (later)
(355) Brady Long #400406 line is from the Longs of Union County – North Carolina. Father Robert N Long , G- Winfred F Long, GG- Nathan C Long , GGG- Nathan B Long, GGGG- Barnard Long (1797–1870 / LH86-7JZ), and then possibly GGGGG- Peter G Long? (1760–1850 / L5R7-9FJ ), and then maybe GGGGGG – Walter Long (1735-1806 /LT9C-RQG)
(356) Andrew Long #404738 descends from James R. Long (b. 23 Mar 1811 presumably in Lincoln County, NC and d. 7 Jun 1896 in Denison TX). James R. Long married Catherine Havner, they had child Wallace R. Long (b. 1849 in Lincoln County or Gaston County NC). Wallace R. Long married Adeline Dunn. They had issue Esley McClain Long (b. 1869 Gaston County, NC). Esley McClain Long and Sallie Elizabeth Coley had issue Ernest McClain Long (b. 1904 York County, SC).
(357) David C. Long #B46388 descends from Joseph Long/Anne Crockett, John Long/Jane Young Henry, Robert Long/Isabella Leeper, William Patterson Long/ Elizabeth V. Cox, Edward Leeper Long/Catherine Duckett Taylor, William Allen Long/Flora Taylor.
(358) Daniel Franklin Taylor #B4933 Has connections to Longs of early Ashe County, NC and has match with #66 above.
(359) John Long #387979 (later)
(360) Larry E. Long #408462 (later)
(361) Michael Dragoo #377701 (later)
(362) Catherine Hand #411220 (later)
(363) Charles Long #N81585 (later)
(364) William Long #B52061 (later)
(365) Michelle Stelly #413663 [FamilyFinder test] descendant of Carey Elvyn Long who was b. 15 Jul 1887, Oskaloosa, Mahaska, Iowa: and d. 03 Sep 1963 Roswell, Chaves, New Mexico.
(366) Verdell Honoway (nee Long) Kit 330164 is a descendant of Aaron Long. Aaron was son of John Long (b.1840, England, d. 1910, Wellington Co., Ontario, Canada), and his spouse Annie Boyd b. Dec 19, 1836 probably in Quebec, Canada. John’s parents were Chas Long & Jane Alsnapp.
(367) Robin Warenski Kit #355770 descendant of John Franklin Long, b. 1846 Tennessee. Earliest known Long ancestor is George II Long, born 1728 in Ireland.
(368) Jaymie Long Truschel #B49848 descendant of Francis Marion Long born 1825 Alabama. FML’s father was John long born 1790 South Carolina, James Long Sr born 1764 Fairfield, South Carolina, Mathias long born 1742 Virginia, Heinrich Emanuel long born 1700 Germany.
(369) Heather Vesely #408901 is 2nd greatgranddaughter of Martha Long. Martha Long was born 22 NOV 1849 in Bath, Somerset. Married Albert Henry Hayden in 1875. Died 20 FEB 1924 in Lachine, Quebec, Canada. Martha was the daughter of William Long and Fanny Frances Plowman who were married 1849 in Bristol, Glouchester.
(370) Jeff Long #426172 (later)
(371) Marcella Long Shaw #B63355 Ancestors have been in Ohio since before 1811. 2nd GreatGrandfather William H Long, was born in Belmont Ohio in 1811. GreatGrandfather Wm. Edward Long was born in Belmont, Highland Co, Ohio in 1852. Grandfather Charles Edward Long was born in Warren, Trumball, Ohio. Father Elmer Leon Long was born in 1913 in Manchester, Brown Co., Ohio. Family has lived in Jackson and Gallia County Ohio.
(372) David R. Long #B62138 has traced his Long line to John Read Long born 23 Jul 1754, St Mary’s Maryland. John Read Long’s parents were John Long and Barbara Read. John Read Long may have been married to Sarah or Sally Porter. He and his family moved to Abbeville, South Carolina where he died 15 Mar 1819. One of John Read Long’s grandsons was a Reuben Porter Long Jr.
(373) Dennis Russell Long #406256 (later)
(374) Steven Parker #273760 (later)
(375) Roderick Reece #360254 Has close match with (228) above. Third great grandfather, John Reese (b. May 3, 1768), was the illegitimate son of Owen Long. Owen was a neighbor to Morris Rees in northern Virginia. John Reese’s mother was Margaret Rees. Owen was married and had several small children and did not marry Margaret. Margaret raised John giving him her surname of Rees.
(376) Luke Adamson #423470 Descendant of Jacob Long (1802-1862), who was married to Mary Merrill (1816-1886) originally from either New York or Pennsylvania later Washington County, Minnesota.
(377) Michelle Homann #B68823 Descendant of Mary Charlotte Hudson (granddaughter of Zeno Long) and William Henry Mitchell.
(378 & 379) B68909 and B68912 Descendants of Jared Nelson LONG b. 1781 in PA and his wife Jane Maxwell b. Ireland. They moved to Mowrystown/White Oak Twp. Ohio in 1818 and he died there in 1854. We descend via their son Thomas LONG b. 1812 in PA. Thomas relocated to West Chester Twp. Ohio where he was last known to be living in 1880. His wife is Catherine HUTCHINSON
(380) Keith W Long #435248 Gggrandfather was Bailey Peyton Long (b.1838, Meigs County Tennessee, d. 1862). Bailey Long and Amanda Padgett had two children in Independence County, Arkansas one being ggrandfather John Jefferson Long (b.1858, d.1919 San Antonio, TX). Father of Bailey Peyton Long is is believed to be William Long of Rhea/Meigs County Tennessee.
(381) John F. Smith #380962 Descendant of James Long (b. 1708, Tyrell Co NC) > Levi Long (b. 1738, Tyrell Co NC) > Fashaw Long (b. 1788 Barnwell Co SC) > John Sanford Long (b. 1820 Barnwell Co, SC > Robert Wilson Long (b. 1845 Liberty Co GA) > Sarah Ersule Long “Sula” (b. 1867 Tattnall Co GA) .
(382) John Edward Long #436231 is the 3rd great-grandson of William Long and wife Catherine (listed in will as ‘Caty’). William Long died 1821 and is buried in the Long Cemetery, Longs Gap, Elk Creek, near Independence in Grayson County, VA. John descends from William’s son Samuel Long, born in VA, died and buried in Ashe County NC, to Joel D. Long, b. 1823 d. 1913 Johnson County KY, William Washington Long b. 1853 Clinch River Valley VA, d. 1942 Johnson County KY, Paris Franklin Long b. 1876 Johnson County KY d. 1957 Johnson County KY. Match with #242 above and #270 above. For more information on this family line contact: or
(383) Patricia Miller Pelfrey #827900 is the 4th great-granddaughter of George Long and Nancy Maples
(384) Bob Ann Breland #B75930 has traced her Lang ancestry to 1850 in Kemper County MS to James M. Lang and believes his father was a William. The 1850 census in Kemper gives him as being born in South Carolina. A distant cousin has this line to a George Long in Surry (now Yadkin) County in North Carolina.
(385) Steven Long #B76033 James Long married Catherine Barger Garrett Aug. 30 1822 in Rockbridge Co. Va. Son John Long was born 1822 he married Mary Isabella Beckner Nov. 22 1855 in Rockbridge Co. Va. John died Dec.10,1896, Craig Co. Va. See: Longs’ of Craig Co. Va.
(386) Royden Long #364245 Greatgrandfather was Robert Long b. 1811 County Cork Ireland, emigrated to Canada about 1843, m. Sarah Shelp. Grandfather was Robert Long b. 29 September 1861, d. 21 June 1933, Russell, Ontario, m. 1885 Sharlot (Charlotte) Pillar. Family lived in the Osnabruck/Cornwall area before moving to Russell, Ontario.
(388) Carl Long #B78162 Earliest known ancestors are Thomas Long & Mary (Holly) Long of Maryland. Thomas died in 1795, Mary remarried in 1798 and moved to North Carolina. GGG grandfather was Jonathan Long born Apr. 8, 1794 in Maryland, married Ruth R. Hill 1816 in North Carolina then moved to Georgia. Jonathan died 1880 in Lumpkin, Stewart, Georgia. GG grandfather was Nathaniel A. Long b. 1832 Putnam, Georgia and died before 1880, unknown. Greatgrandfather was William Asbury Long born Jul 22, 1864 Echo, Dale, Alabama, married Teresa A. A. Horne in 1886 and moved to Carrabelle, Florida.
(389) John Long #320487 Descendant of Edmund Longe, b. 1513
(390) Gary D. Long #B81798 can trace his Long family back to Isaac Larry Long b. 1816 and died before 1910, then Sempronious C. Long b. 1845, then Jesse Simon Long b. 8/24/1870, then Joe Levy Long b. 10/20/1895, then Jasper Elwood Long b. 4/28/1931. All of these folks were born in the Pireway / Nakina area of Columbus County North Carolina. Gary can also trace his father’s mother to Isaac Larry Long b. 1816 and died before 1910, then Joseph Madison Long b. 1/1871, then Bertha Lee Long b. 11/30/1895, then Jasper Elwood Long b. 4/28/1931
(391) Thomas Hamilton #45047 (has matches with Long Group D)
(392) Joann Releford #B83538 Grand daughter of Jackson Long { 1870-1954} Blacksburg Virginia: great granddaughter of Sarah Long (1836-1913) Blacksburg Virginia: Her father was James Long(b. 1811 Rockingham County Virginia Died 1889 Blacksburg Virginia: His father James Johannes Long born about 1755 died in Montgomery County Virginia
(393) Clarence Lang #391628 descendant of Clarence Frederick Long 1918 – 1981 born in Nebraska. He is the son of Ora Michael Long (NE 1892-1963). Ora is the son of Michael Long born in New York in approximately 1858, d.1921. Michael settled in Gosper Co, NE. Michael’s father is Michael Long born approximately 1820 in Ireland. Michael’s Mother was Mary Ann Halloran.
(394) Raymond H. Long #443707: Christian Long immigrant, 1664 – abt.1720; Urbanus abt 1706 – abt 1769; Ludwick bef Apr 1748 – 1829; Samuel 1773 -1852; Samuel 1801 – 1882; John 1836 – 1898; William C. 1870 – 1936. States include: PA, IA, OH, KS, OR, OK.
(395) Charles Scott Convery #B23699 and Caren Matyckas #B23594 (siblings): Great grandchildren of Winifred Mary Long (b. 18 Mar 1871, Ballygaddy Road, Tuam, Galway, Ireland; died 30 MAR 1937 in Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey). Winifred’s parents were William Long (born 08 June 1846 to William Long and Sarah Griffin) in Galway, Ireland,who died on 11 July 1879 in Tuan, Galway, Ireland and Bridget Concannon (born 1848, Ballygaddy Road, Tuam, Galway, Ireland; died 27 July 1910 in Paterson, Passaic, New Jersey).
(396) Caroline Volle #394393 7th great-grandfather was John Long b. 1685, d. 1746 of Queen Anne County, Maryland -> John Long (1722-1785), -> John Long (1750 – 1833), -> James Long (1779 – 1860), -> Garrison Long (1811 – 1898), -> John Timothy Long (1838 – 1905).
(397-398) Debbie Woolf & TJ Thompson B73138 & B50454 descendants of James Long & Delilah (unknown maiden name) of Caburrus & Burke Co. NC via their son James Long b 1800 NC who m. Uly Cansler and lived in Union & Fannin Co. GA.
(399) Robert Long #422652 Descendant of Thomas J. Long (d. before 1869) & Elizabeth Wright (d.1924) of Clarke County MS and Choctaw County, AL
(400) John Allen Long #459732 John Allen Long is a descendant of John Jacob Long who settled in Newberry County, South Carolina. Descendants of John Jacob Long emigrated from South Carolina to Neshoba County, Mississippi.
(401) Terry DeWayne Long #N78980 ancestors are of Swiss background and came to Americas in the 1700’s and settled in South Carolina.
(402) Belinda Long #B90266 descendent of Alfred Long and Margaret Nelson Long of Talladega and Clay Counties, Alabama, Alfred was born abt. 1803 in SC. Believe his parents to be Thomas Long and Mary Long both born in NC around 1777 and living in Talladega County, AL in 1850.
(403) Matthew Long #488025 Descendant of Simon Thomas Long born abt 1825 in Ireland, and died aft. 1913 in Blossomfort, Ballyclough, Kilbrin, Kanturk, Mallow, Cork. He married Norah Fenton 03 Feb 1863 in Ballyclogh, Cork, Ireland. She was born abt. 1837 in Ireland, and died aft. 1913.
(404) Linda Long Wootten #B100949 Greatgreatgrandaughter of Thomas Long (b. 1865 Virginia) and Ida Bell Gibson
(405) Leland Long #493354
(406) Noel Emswiler #494517 Female descendant of Samuel Long (c1645-1695) of Northampton County, VA and Somerset County, MD. The Long family spent many generations in Somerset County, MD. Noel’s great grandfather, Earl Guy Long, moved to Accomack County, VA and ultimately Northampton County, VA bringing his part of the Long family full circle and back to where Samuel Long first appears.
(407) Susan O’Meara B79061 descendant of David Long (born circa 1786 in Yorkshire, England) and Susannah Thompson . David and Susannah were married in 1814 in Howden, East Yorkshire, England. It is believed that David and Susannah left England for Canada about 1838 and settled in Middlesex County, Ontario. Children of David and Susannah include: 1. Henry Long (b. 1820 in England married in Canada to Margaret Kinner of Ireland); 2. John Long b. 1823 England (married to Ann Coulson of Dugglesby, North York, England); 3. Harriet Long b. 1827 in England and died in 1867 after marrying in Canada to James Robson (his family was from Cumberland, England); 4. Elizbeth ‘Hattie’ Long b. 1831 in England, marries in Canada to Andrew Ferguson (his family was from Scotland).
(408) Barbara Taylor Floyd 506525, Barbara’s Long line is: Henry Franklin Long (b.~1811, Maury County, TN. d.1879) -> James David Long (b. 1831,TN; d. 1881, Ingram, Randolph, AR) -> Joseph Samuel Long (b.1858, MO; d.1924, Randolph, AR) -> Olive Beatrice Long (grandmother b.1895, Ingram, Randolph, AR; d.1948, Pocahontas, Randolph, AR).
(409) Amber Jenkins B96911, descendant of : Thomas Long (b.1717 England, d.1740 Somerset Pa) -> Thomas Long Esq. (b.1740 Ireland, d.1810 Durham, Bucks County, Pa) -> William S Long Esq.(b.1775 Durham, Bucks County Pa, d.1843 Durham, Bucks County Pa) -> Peter Long (b. 1804 Northumberland County, d.1892 Snyder County, Pa) -> Peter Long (b.1845 Snyder County Pa, d.1908) -> Ambrose M Long (b.1871 Snyder County Pa, d.1947 Union County Pa) -> Ira A Long (b.1900, d.1977 Lewisburg Union County Pa (greatgrandfather).
(410) Diana Dee Long N163227 Greatgreatgranddaughter of Allen A. Long b1814, d1862, Miller County, Missouri. Allen was preceded by William Ortho Long in Tennessee and Nicolas Long in Culpepper Virginia late 1700’s, early 1800’s. Existing family trees in both Ancestry and Family Tree has it going through Ware Long but the dates are odd and generations seem to be missing.
(411) Clinton Mitchell Long B114472 descendant of Francis Marion Long born 1825 Alabama. FML’s father was John long born 1790 South Carolina, James Long Sr born 1764 Fairfield, South Carolina, Mathias long born 1742 Virginia, Heinrich Emanuel long born 1700 Germany. (Sibling of #368 above)
(412) Rosemary Leal B102353 Rosemary Leal (email: is a 5th greatgranddaughter of Joseph LONG (b.~1700’s, d.1803) of Duncorum, Milligan, Northern Ireland. Joseph and wife Rose had daughter: Isabella LONG. Isabella married Robert INNES, son of Perrott INNES. Robert INNES (b.after 1729) resided Magilligan, Northern Ireland. This INNES family had resided in Scotland for centuries.
(413) Harrell Brooks 353984 gg-grandfather was Stokes H. Brooks (1802 VA – 1886 Wilkes Co, NC). The mother of Stokes Brooks was Rebecca Brooks, and he had a half brother Young Brooks who was born in 1805. They moved to NC in the 1820s, perhaps from Halifax Co, VA. YDNA results indicate that Harrell is likely a descendant of Ware Long of Culpeper County, VA
(414) Clayton Long B61670 (later)
(415) Michael Dell Long #B115112( is 2nd Great Grandson of Joseph Andrew Long (b. Ark. 1848/d. Atoka, OK 1921), who married Mary Ellen Bridges (b. Denton TX 1854/d. Atoka, OK 1928), and had 10 children, including: Robert E. Long (Decatur TX 1873/Ada OK 1945), Wesley Franklin Long (TX 1874/Atoka, OK 1900), Joseph Newton “Newt” Long (DeQueen, Ark. 1880/Weatherford, TX 1949), Edward Columbus Long (Stringtown, Atoka, OK 1883/OK City, OK 1945), Zettie Jane Long Shope (Atoka Co., OK 1885/Ft. Worth TX 1980), Thomas Jefferson Long (Atoka, OK 1888/Dallas, TX 1967), and Martha Adeline Long Fortner (Atoka Co., OK 1893/Ada, OK 1911). Robert E. Long married Faith Arabelle “Belle” Upchurch (Conway, Ark 1869/Atoka, OK 1919), and had 8 children, including: Mabel Bell Long Hintergardt (Carmen, OK 1902/Hutchinson Co. TX 1991), Helen Beatrice Long True (OK 1905/Gardena, CA 1989), Robert E. “Trigger” Long (Atoka, OK 1912/Crescent City, CA 1990), and Dorothy Belle Long Tate (Atoka OK 1914/Dallas TX 1995). Trigger Long married Dulcena Pearl “Dell” Trotter (Bee, OK 1915/LA, CA 1951) and had 4 children: Bobby Dell Long (Ada, OK 1937/Bend, OR 2013), Raymond Murray Long (Ok 1939/Living), Garland Eugene Long (OK 1941/Living) and Shirley Ann Long (CA 1944/Living).
(416) Chris McLay #504140 descendant of Patrick Bartholomew Long and Joanna who married before 1832. Both were deceased before 1850 as their son John Long born 1834 states on his immigration application both parents are deceased. Sister Margaret emigrated to Australia in 1850, under the Earl Grey Orphan Scheme – her papers also state both parents deceased. John & his Sister Catherine emigrated to Australia after 1850.
(417) Jo Long-Rodriguez #497762, descendant of William H. Long (b. 1745) and Rebecca Henley both of Pennsylvania. William and Rebecca had son William Henley Long that married Anna Buchanan. William and Anna had issue Thomas, Ann, Sarah, James, Jane, Rebecca, John Benjamin, Mary Elizabeth, and William Henley Long Jr. Family settled in what is now Choctaw County, Alabama.
(418) Michael Brent Long #B96752 Longs of Franklin Co. AL and Tate Co,MS including Isaac Mullin Long b. AL, son Isaac Monroe Long b. Franklin Co. AL; and Joseph Raymond Long, b. Grayson Co., TX
(419) Scott English #473536 maternal Grandfather was Chester Long (b.1900 – d.1963), Chester’s father was Charles Long (b.1875 – d.1955), Charles’ father was David Long (b.1852 – d. Unknown), David’s father was Sexton Long (b.1818 – d.1885), Sexton’s father was Robert Long b. (1788 – d.1859). Chester, Charles, and David were all born in Indiana and died in Indiana. Sexton was born in Kentucky died in Indiana. Robert was born in South Carolina died in Indiana.
NOTE: Some of the information that was previously on this page was lost during an editing error. Changes and additions made subsequent to the July 27, 2016 when Paragraph 419 was added were accidently deleted. The administrator has restored some of the lost paragraphs. The lost paragraphs numbered from 420 to about 520. Numbering has been resumed beginning with paragraph 521.
(420) Jeannine Smith #535783 is a descendant of Lorenzo Dow Long b.11/26/1836, Pickens County, Alabama, d. 5/26/1912 Attala Co, AL. Lorenzo m.11/18/1855 Amanda Levina Best. Children of Lorenzo and Amanda were Charles Mallory Long (b.1858 in AL), Nancy Ella Long (b.1860 MS), Nimrod William Long (b.1864 MS) Susan Elizabeth Long (b.1864 MS), Samuel D. Long (b.1867 MS), Emily Mary Long (b.1869 in MS), Alice Long (b.1871 in MS), Myrtie Long (b.1973 MS), Lester E. Long (b.1875 MS) and Eleanor Long (b.1877 MS). In 1850 Amanda Best was daughter of Kinchen R. Best of Choctaw County MS.
(421) Francis Nicklous #542697 is a fourth greatgrandson of Jacob Silas Long of Manheim Township, PA.
(422) Harold E. Long III #543194 is descended from Daniel Long b. 1812 in Frederick, MD d. 1886 in Zanesville, OH. This branch moved to Maryland, West Virgina, and Arkansas. Grandfather Harold Long moved from Arkansas to Florida in early 1930’s. Family story is that father of Daniel Long (also named Daniel) emigrated from Germany in early 1800’s and name was originally DeLong.
(423) William Robert Ellich #519975 is the genetic son of Robert Drayton Long who was born in Murray Co., GA. William descends from Thomas Anthony Long born 1754 in Prince George Co., MD who married Mary Conner. One of their two sons was James Thomas Long who married Rebecca Sherrill, their son Martin Luther Long had seven other siblings. Martin married Dorcas Amanda Dryman, then married her sister Louisa Jane Dryman. Martin’s son Hugh White Long was one of eleven children. Hugh married Lois Jane Foote (dau. Of Hezikiah Rice Foote and Julia Ann Adams). Their son John Calhoun Long was William’s Grandfather. These descendants go from Prince George County Maryland, to Lincoln County, North Carolina, and to Macon Co., Murray Co., Gilmer Co. and Ware Co., Georgia.
(424) Brenda Carol Booze #530217 is descendant of John Adam Long of Pennsylvania and the Silver Run area of Maryland near Frederick Maryland. John Adam Long d. June 6, 1788. His wife was Anna Maria.
They had children; Peter, Christina Catharina, Maria, Conrad, George, Ludwig, Mary, Elizabeth and Anna Maria Long.
(425) Russ Long & Kay Wilson #N6595 earliest known Long was Heinrich Lang, b. 1803 Hanover, GER. In 1844 Heinrich, wife Christena Bruns, & 7 children came from Bremen Germany, to NYC. After a brief stay in Albany NY they went to Ottawa OH, then to Sandusky OH where son Christian was born and where Heinrich died in 1847. Family moved to Walnut IL, then Dodge NE, and finally Cashmere WA c. 1900.
(426) Sharon Finlayson #489700 – maternal great-grandmother was Myrtle Maud Long (b.1889 Brisbane Queensland Australia ? d.1968), Myrtle married James Finlayson (1889-1952) and their children were Andrew Charles James Finlayson (1912-1982), Walter Frederick Finlayson (1914-1957), Eric Victor Finlayson (1918-1990), Olive Finlayson (1922-2008), Leonard Finlayson (1924-2006) and Keith Finlayson (1928-1998). Myrtle?s father was Charles Long (b.1865 Basingstoke, Hampshire, England ? d.1937 Brisbane Queensland Australia). Charles married Charlotte Sarah Evans (1869-1940) and their other children were Essie Long (1891-1965) and Doris Elizabeth Long (1902-1961). Charles?s father was William Long (b. 1832 Reading, Berkshire, England ? d.1887 Brisbane Queensland Australia). William married Elizabeth Barnes (1824-1912) and their other children were Edward John Long (1858-1909), William James Long (1860-1944), Henry Long (1862-1929) and Elizabeth Long (b1870). William?s father was Edward Long (b. 1809 Bradfield, Berkshire, England ? d.1896) and he married Mary Godwin Bye (1802-1871). Edward?s father was John Long (b. 1777 Bradfield Berkshire England ? d.1846) and he married Susannah Spokes (1779-1840). John?s father was Benjamin Long (b. 1753 Aldermaston, Berkshire, England ? d.1828) and he married Ann Wise (1750-1827). Benjamin?s father was Benjamin Long (b. 1708 Aldermaston, Berkshire, England).
(427) J Long Kit #535695 [admin by Becky (Long) Cloud] descends from Commodore Perry Long born 1815 in Richmond County, North Carolina. He married Martha Streater about 1837 and moved to Barbour County, Alabama, where their son James Harvey Long was born in 1840. It has been confirmed that Commodore P Long had 5 older brothers, Elisha T Long, Richmond T Long, Mial T Long, Edward T Long, and Edmond D Long. There is still no proof of the parents, but Y-DNA testing has proven him to be of the Brumfield Long lineage. Participant #560, Melvin H Long is a conformed descendant of Commodore’s brother, Mial T Long. There are now ten Y-111 matches, but we are still looking for our connection to Brumfield Long and the other Y-DNA matches.
(428) L. Long #493647 DNA matches to Long Group L at
(429) Robert P. Long #536143 descendant of Conrad Long shown in 1850 census as born about 1802 in Loudon County Virginia, living there along with son James and then shown in the 1860 census as residing in Cooper County Missouri.
(521) John Long, Kit #611337, family goes back to Stephen Long in Chester PA. He was born in Lincolnshire England before 1771 and died in PA before 1850. From Honey Brook, PA family moved to Minnesota and then to California.
(522) Julie Baty #621319 descendant of James J. Long 1851-1916, brother of Dennis and John who lived in Alton, IL. James J Long lived with his family in St. Louis, MO. James was a printer by trade. His father was likely Michael as there is a mention of a father named Michael on James J Long’s 1851-1916 death certificate.
(523) Bryan Lindsey, Kit #297340. Mother is Karen (Long) Denny Kit B29680. Her father was Walter Raymond Long (b. 26 AUG 1919, Olanta, PA; d. 10 OCT 1991 Springfield, MO). His wife was Lucille Alma Clarkson. Oldest Long in tree is a Thomas Long (b. 15 Dec 1839 Clearfield PA, d. Sep 1885 Clearfield PA). Thomas’ wife was Rachel (Bloom) Long (b:1839-d:1905). It is believed that Samuel and Magdalena Long from Somerset PA were Thomas’s parents.
(524) Kit Number #535783 Lorenzo Dow Long, born Nov 26 1836 in Alabama. Married Amanda Best November 18, 1855 in Pickens County Alabama. Left Pickens County between 1858 and 1860. Children Charles, Mallory Long, Nancy Ella Long, Nimrod William Long, Susan Elizabeth Long, Samuel D. Long, Emily Mary Long, Alice Long, Myrtie Long, Lester E. Long, Eleanor Long. Lived in Attala County MS.
(525) Vicky Zuverink B5574 descends from Elizabeth Long (b. 1820 Oldham Co., KY). She married Jonathan Forward in 1839 in Clark Co., IN. A probable sibling was Minerva Long who married David Welch and lived in Carroll and Trimble Counties, KY. Elizabeth Long Forward lived in Bethlehem, Clark Co. IN and died in 1896. William Long may be her father but is not proven.
(526) Rodney Edwards kit #404706 is descended from Edward Long b. 1675 Yeadon, Yorkshire, England and d. 1740 Chongqing, Shiqu, China
NOTE for Marion Joseph Long Jr #499957 go to (630)
(527) Martha Long Wideman #483744 & 528753. Her brothers are sons of George Wallace Long and grandsons of John Long (b. 1892 Knoxville, Knox Cty., TN) and Maude H. Hosey, (b. Jan. 8, 1898 Coosa County, Alabama; d. Dec. 12, 1957 Augusta, Richmond County, Georgia). John and Maude Long married May 16, 1916, Phenix City, Alabama. No record of the marriage has been found.
(528) Harold Johnson Long #611705 was born Lawrence, Kansas, January 29, 1926. Harold’s father was Henry Johnson Long (1897-1980). Grandfather was Ottis Long (1867-1914). Ottis moved to Oklahoma during the Land Rush of 1893. His family originated in Salem, Mercer County, Pennsylvania. At least two Long ancestors are from here: John Long Jr. (1825-1916), and John Long Sr. (1790-1875).
(529) Don Long #B167377 descendant of Belitha G. Long (4th great grandfather) b. 1805 in MD, and d. 1873 in Troy, MO.
(530) Russell Guy Long #548337 Heinrich Lange aka Henry Long: Heinrich Lange (1803-1847), his wife Christina Bruns (1802-1855), and their six children came to New York from Hanover on ship Emma on June 10, 1844. They stayed briefly in Erie, PA, then moved to Sandusky, OH in 1844. By 1857 their son Henry Long (1836-1900), his wife Sarah J Sinclair (1836-1923), and their children had moved to Bureau County, IL. Abt. 1882 Henry and Sarah’s son Christian Eugene Long (1860-1931) and family moved to Dodge Co. NE. This family homesteaded in 1901 in Grant County, WA, and by 1904 they settled in Cashmere, WA.
(531) Mary Jane Geheber Tesdall #605044: Greatgrandmother Emma Frances Long States (Gaylord States) (02/21/1860(Miller Twnshp, LaSalle Co, IL)-04/26/1931 (Marseilles, LaSalle County, IL): Lewis Long (Emily Barber) 08/07/1825 LaSalle Co, Illinois – 02/18/1904 Marseilles, LaSalle Co, Illinois: Christopher Long, Jr (1. Sallie Booth, 2 ?Alvard)-1799 Fulton Co, New York – 03/1849 LaSalle County, IL: Christopher Long, Sr born in Germany-came to US as a child.
(532) Nicholas Long #658165 earliest known Long ancestor is Esquire C. Long, who was born about 1805 in Tennessee. Likely but not proven that his father was Edward Long who was born in 1779 in North Carolina.
(533) Dallas Crutcher Long, III #333992: father was Dallas C. Long II (b. 18/02/1913 Woodruff Cty, AR, d. 10/10/1981 Maricopa Cty, AZ); his father was Dallas C, Long (b. Sept 1884, Shelby Cty, KY, d. 16/12/1947 Woodruff Cty, AR; Jeremiah James Long b. 3/5/1833 Shelby Cty,KY, d. 28/10/1910 Wash. Cty, AR; Jeremiah James Long b. 28/2/1789 Halifax, NC, d. 22/6/1861 Shelby Cty, KY;
William Long b. 26/7/1759 VA, d. 10/6/1859 Shelby Cty, KY. He served in the Revolutionary War at King’s Mountain, NC.
(534) Mary Long Oberg #117945 is a descendant of John Long and wife Elizabeth Dent of Juniata County, PA. They had sons: (1) Henry D. Long; (2) William T. Long , died 2 July 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, (3) Robert Long and (4) Daniel Long. Robert Long (14 May 1844 – 20 Jan. 1911) married Maria Barker. They had eleven children and resided in Thompsontown, Juniata, PA. Clark Homer Long (Robert’s son) is 117945’s great grandfather.
(535) Robert S. Long #613135 descends from Tobias Long, b. Jan. 28, 1798 in NC. Tobias married to Margaret O’Neal, in McNairy Co., Tn., about 1820. Their son James was born Dec. 4, 1820. James had son Silas McDonald Long. All in Franklin County, Texas. Tobias died 1863 in Wood County, which adjoins Franklin.
(536) Dennis James Long #B179006 descendent of Thomas Long b.1800 m. Charity Pool.
(537) Larry A. Long Kit #664517 Admin of kit is same as kit #243. 3 identified Long lines of the Brumfield Long lineage. great grandson of John Siprane Long, Sr (b.1810 VA, d.1888 KY). (1) John Siprane Long, Sr. is believed to be the son of Richard Long and Nancy Stephenson (m.1796 Orange County, VA). Same as Kit #243 and #245; (2) Nancy Stephenson lineage goes back to John Long b abt 1695 through Hawkins lineage.
(3) Dora Bellamy Long, wife of John Sipriane Long Jr is the granddaughter of Spotswood Long matching (568) James Brecht Long #B171469
Lineage -Larry Long> Gordon Long b 1920, KY> Chester Long b 1892, KY> John S Long Jr/Dora Bellamy> John S Long b 1810 VA d 1880 KY.
(538) Brian Long #B181469 is the son of Garry Earl Long b. 5 Nov 1934 in Barrie Ontario Canada. Garry Earl Long was an only child of Henry Earl Long (second marriage) born in 1891 at Kleinburg Vaughan York Ontario. Henry Earl’s father was William Long born in 1840. William was married to Marion Campbell b. 1851 and they had 5 children: Eva M. b. 1873, Cathren H. b. 1874, William Alfred b. 1881, Henry Earl b. 1891 and Erlen J. ?
(539) John Christopher Long #669042 is descended from William Cockins Long, Jr. (b. 1929 Wichita, KS); William Cockins Long, Sr. (b. 1889 Sharon, KS); Jefferson Davis Long (b. 1861 Louisburg, N.C.) Edward John Long (b. 1823, Georgia, d 1910 Indiana); John Calvin Long (b. 1793, Georgia, d. Franklin Co. N.C.) married Martha Jones Long (da of Jacob Jones, Jr., b. 1795 Franklin Co., N.C.).
(540) Irene Cash #611738 is a descendant of George Long, (b. abt 1826, Melksham, Wiltshire, England; d. abt 21 AUG 1879, Monmouthshire, Monmouthshire, Wales) and Julia Abbott (b. abt 25 OCT 1835, St Nicholas’, Liverpool, Lancashire, England).
(541) HG Long #B188586 Grandfather was Bert R Long (b. 1844 Nevada, Vern, MO – d. 1955 Blaine, OK). Bert’s father was Taylor Long (b. 1847 Greenup, KY). Taylor’s father was Benjamin F. Long (b. 1814, VA).
(542) Dona Tracy #601541 descendant of Inez Long and Clark Eccleston of Ohio
(543) Fred Long #646369 Descends from Fred Burton (Dedham, Mass) (Fred B, Fred C., William H., William B., Peter). These Longs have a strong connection to Clements Township, Nova Scotia. Y111 match to Lew Long (Woburn, Mass) with the connection being brothers (William B and John H sons of Peter). Family has possible links to Jacob Peter Lange, a Hessian soldier. Or alternatively, family lore has one of the Long’s being either an Atkinson or Atkins as being adopted into the family. Y111 testing results would tend to lead us to believe that if the story is true then the adopted child would be Peter Long.
(544) Susan Long Mullins #597746, researching Charles Joseph Long born June 23, 1934 in Fayette County, Kentucky….died March 13, 1993 in Fayette County, Kentucky.
(545) Angela McConaghy, #661196, Longs start from a Flemish Dutch known as Aas who died in Winchester Hampshire. His son is the first Long. Then onto Oxford 1300, Wraxall Manor Wiltshire 1330, Stoke Newington, London 1475, Middlesex 1500, Ripley Yorkshire 1500 staying in Yorkshire to present Day.
(546) C. W. Long Kit 704971, Awaiting results, possibly related to (527) above.
(547) John E. Long 684148 Awaiting results, possibly related to (527) above.
(548) Jim Long #678627 descendant of Joseph Long born about 1792 in South East Pennsylvania, exact location unknown. His mother was Sarah (Lauck) Long. His father died prior to 1794, and his first name is unknown. Joseph moved from Pennsylvania to Tuscarawas County, Ohio and served in the War of 1812. He died in June of 1851 in or near Bolivar, Tuscarawas County, Ohio.
(549) Rich Watson 559721 is believed to be a grandson of a Long living in Sutton/Coalfield England around 1903. Grandmother lived in that city and worked as a maid for a local doctor who owned a polo horse training stable. There have been some veiled references to the grandfather being a horse trainer and then having returned to America after he found out the grandmother was pregnant. Father was adopted to a couple moving to Canada.
(550) Stephen Long 671747 Great-Great grandparents Thomas Long and Bridget (Whelan) Long lived in Kinvara parish Galway, Ireland in the mid-1800’s . They had 7 children (it appears only 6 survived) between the years 1861 and 1881 (John, Thomas, Patrick, Mary, Michael, Thomas and Catherine). Y-DNA indicates an exact match to a Longe from Inagh, County Clare.
(551) Denise Reynolds Kit #244608 is a descendant of a WILLIAM LONG (1782 – 1858) that arrived in Upper Canada (now Ontario) from Pennsylvania, in the late 1790’s. In 1811 he leased (and later purchased) Lot 12 Concession 3, East Flamborough Twp., Upper Canada (now Ontario, Canada). His father is believed to be the original settler on this piece of land; and there is record of a JACOB LONG petitioning for (but not acquiring) the same lot in 1809. WILLIAM LONG married CORNELIA (Unknown). They were the parents of two children: JOHN (1815–1876), born and died in East Flamborough Twp., Wentworth Co., Ontario, Canada
ELIZABETH (abt 1818–1875), born in E. Flamborough Twp., Wentworth Co., and died in Middlesex Co., Ontario, Canada.
(552) Vanita Archer Lake #524162 researching Lawrence/Laurence Long, born in Virginia, between 1744 and 1751. Lawrence purchased land in Albemarle County, 1773- 1778, served in French & Indian War and Revolutionary War. He and wife Priscillah Cogswell had 9 children, born in Va., held land in Fayette & Bourbon Co., Kentucky, and came to St. Louis Co., Mo. in 1797 where they received many Spanish land grants. Laurence died 2 May 1802. Children: Reuben, Sarah “Sally” Caulk, Ann “Nancy” Bacon, Elizabeth Coleman, Gabriel (m. Elizabeth Lewis), John (m. Rachel Zumwalt), William (m. Mary Miller), James (m. Leah Fitzwater), Nicholas (m. Sarah “Sally” Post).
(553) Rhonda Glofcheski N39066 descendant of William Long b. 1782 in Pennsylvania. Same info as #551 above.
(554) Jan Ashcraft #705136 3rd great granddaughter of Eleanor P. Long (b. 1817 in TN). We think the P. might possibly stand for Parker. Eleanor’s father believed to be Azariah Long. Eleanor is beleived to have had two half brothers: Issac Long (1814-1859) and Medicus Alston Long (1811-1885). Eleanor married Dr. David Greenville (D.G.) Cook in Williamson, TN on September 3, 1835. They lived in Brookhaven, MS and New Orleans, LA during their marriage.
(555) Darin Long #726624 From central Tennessee especially Obion, Gibson County. Darin’s paternal line is Darin Long – Claudie Long – George Dorlley Long (b. 1914, TN) – Ernest Eldridge Long (b.1883, TN) – Newton Gasaway Long (b. 1865, TN) – William Night Long (b. 1818, SC) – Benjamin Long (b. abt 1793, SC)
(556) Dan Berdine Long #441348 (later)
(557) Willis Arnold “Bill” Long, Kit # 713720, descends from Ware Long of VA through his son, Nicholas, b. 12 Apr 1764 in Culpeper, VA. Nicholas married Margaret Turner in 1783. Their younger children were b. in Warren Co. TN. Nicholas’s oldest son, William Otho Long, b. 1786 in Culpeper, VA, married Ruthy Graham in Greene Co. TN in 1805. Their son, George William Long, b. 10 Sept 1807 in Greene Co. TN, moved to Miller Co. MO by 1839. George married 2/ Mary “Polly” Pennington. Their son, Willis Valentine Long, was b. 1857 in Miller Co. MO. Willis married 2/Priscilla Shelton in Nov 1882. Their youngest son, William Riley “Bud” Long b. in 1887 in Iberia, Miller Co., MO., married 2/Maggie Mae Metcalf Beesley, Nov 1914, in Ash Grove, Greene Co., MO. Their son, Willis Valentine Long, was b. in 1918 in Ash Grove. Willis V. Long married Wilma Eidson. Their second son is Willis Arnold “Bill” Long. This Long family intermarried with two other Long families in Miller Co. MO.
(558) Lynda Keenan, Kit #538904 ….Margaret Ann LONG b 17 Jun 1854, Daviess Co., KY; d 1 Jul 1925 Ohio Co., KY
Dau of Benjamin Franklin LONG & America BURRIS m1 Henry S TRAVIS 24 Dec 1867 Anderson Co., KY, Had 14 children, m2 Albert PARKS 24 Dec 1912 Daviess Co., KY
Benjamin Franklin LONG b 12 Sep 1820 David’s Fork, Fayette Co., KY; b 3 Sep 1909 Ohio Co., KY son of Francis LONG & Sarah (Sally) Mary FRANKLIN Civil War Veteran m1 America BURRIS 13 May 1842 d of John MORGAN & Mary BURRIS, they did not marry Ch: Sarah Jane 1844-1913 m John TRAVIS, Mary Elizabeth 1845-aft 1914 m Isaac TRAV, Martha E 1846-aft 1898 m John E GREER, John Howard 1849-1937 m Margaret TAYLOR, Margaret Ann 1854-1925 m1 Henry S TRAVIS m2 Albert PARKS, Richard Johnson 1856-1914 m Sally TAYLOR, America Belle 1859-1930 m William S BARTLETT, Melvina Ann abt 1864 d bet 1880/1884 m David E JOHNSON, Benjamin Franklin 1867- ? m Mrs. Alice DEMPSEY, Unknown b aft 1867 & bef 1898 m2 Mary Elizabeth BRIGHT 22 Jul 1903 Francis LONG b abt 1783 Fayette Co., KY m Sarah (Sally) Mary FRANKLIN 18 Mar 1809 Fayette Co., KY; d of Stephen FRANKLIN & Lucinda, Ch: Margaret b bet 1810/1815 m Pryor BURGE, Francis b bet 1810/1815 m Mary BURGE, Benjamin Franklin m Sarah (Sally) Mary FRANKLIN
(559) Leslie Wacht (Born Janet Lynn Fratkin Long) Kit B237019: traces back to 2nd great grandfather Patrick “Pat” Long born about 18 March 1807 in County Cork, Ireland and died 10 June 1889 in Hayes, Ida County, Iowa.
(560) Melvin H. Long 706651 is a confirmed descendant of Mial T. Long one of eight children ( Mial, Elisha, Richmond, Edward, Edmond, Commodore, Edna & Mary ) born to unconfirmed parents. Living in and around Wolf Pitt, Richmond County Rockingham, N.C. Paternal line is : MH Long (b.1937); Gordon H. Long (1915- 1983); James E. Long (1881-1946); Mial T. Long (1806-1880). Seeking evidence of family line past this generation.
(561) Mike Long Kit 712686 earliest set of known Long ancestors settled in the Caledonia and Port Dover, Ontario, Canada area. The earliest we can trace back is to William (b.abt 1820) and (possibly Martha) Long who it is said were natives of New York State. They had four children Joseph (b.1853 , Henry b.abt 1855, Frank (Francis)b.1857 and a daughter (no name) unknown birth and death date.
(562) Michael Long, Kit 749075 descend from Edward Long who married Mary Smith, b 1754 & their son George, b May 1787, Ufton Nervet, Berkshire, England who died abt 1875 in Missouri.
(563) Gail Hardy Kit B236405: 2nd great grandmother was Louisa J Long (born 12 Nov 1822 in Kentucky and died 11 May 1900 in Denver, Denver, CO, USA. Louisa’s mother’s first name is Lucy, born 1785 in Virginia. Louisa’s father was from Delaware and died about 1840. The 1850 Census shows Louisa and her husband, Larman Thomas Taggart with their family, Lucy and presumably Louisa’s older brother John, and his wife, Sarah, in Warren County, Missouri.
(564) William D. Long, Kit 704458: patrilineal line is William David Long b. 1936, Cuyahoga Co. OH living; >Kenneth Edmund Long b. 1904 Cuyahoga OH – d. 1982 Cuyahoga OH>Robert Hutchison Long b. 1879, Blair Co PA -d. 1915 Cuyahog Co. OH> James M Long b . 1854 Amboy in Lee Co. IL – d. 1886 Blair Co. PA; >John R Long b. 1822 Blair Co.PA-d. 1889 Amboy, Lee Co. IL; > William Long b. 1786 Derry Co , North Ireland -d. 1877 Sublette in Lee Co. IL > William Long b. 1765 Derry Co. North Ireland – d. 1798 probably North Ireland.
(565) Thomas Cooper Long # 784100 is descended from John Thomas Long (b. 1926 Lufkin, TX); Floyd Lafayette Long (b. 1897 Garrison, TX); Thomas Bodius Long (b. 1863 Heard Co. GA, d. 1916 Nacogdoches, TX); Jesse Lafayette Long (b. 1831 Hancock Co, GA but lived mostly in Troup Co, GA, d. ?); (William) Henry Long Jr. (b.1798 Hancock Co GA but lived mostly in Troup Co GA, reportedly a mayor of LaGrange, GA); Henry Long Sr. (b. 1756 Halifax, NC and moved to GA, d. 1824 Hancock Co, GA); and most likely John Long (b. 1710 Isle of Wight, VA and moved to NC, d. 1760 Halifax, NC)
(566) Larry Noedel #780919 80 year old adoptee. Recently discovered biological maternal family via autosomal DNA. They are Barley’s and lived in the Rolla, MO area from the mid-1800s and resided in Virginia before. YDNA results match with the Brumfield Long group.
(567) Miriam Crispin #190133 believe descended from James Long b. 1738 born in Carlisle, Lancaster, PA. He was a Patriot of the Revolutionary War. He served under General Anthony Wayne. He died 6 Apr 1830, and was buried in Mt. Blair Cemetery, Woodcock Twp. Crawford Co, PA.
(568) James Brecht Long #B171469 is third great grandson of Spotswood Long, d. 1850 and Sabina nee Harris Long, d. 1850. Spotswood and Sabina were married in Orange County, VA, 1824. James’s known patrilineal line is Spotswood Long, b. about 1805 VA, James Robert Long (aka as Robert Long), b. 1825 Goochland County VA d. 1899 Madison County KY, Samuel Johnson Long b 1863 Louisa County VA d. 1954 Madison County KY, Hubert Jackson Long b. 1889 Madison County KY d. 1965 Wayne County MI, Samuel Johnson Long b. 1924 Detroit MI, d. 2012 Wayne County MI. James is an exact Y-DNA37 match to 141, 163, 22, 179, 243, 245, 320, 427, 68, and 560.
(569) Norman David Courage, Kit #B220769: Mother’s maiden name was Queenie May Long. Queenie May Long had 3 sisters: Lucy, Rose and June and possibly a brother Fred. She was born in Scotland September 24, 1920 and passed away in Simcoe Ontario Canada April 5, 1970. Her sister Rose Long immigrated to Canada as a war bride around 1946. Rose Long’s husband was Duncan McLaughlin.
(570) Terry Long #781581 Terry’s paternal line goes back to Elihu J. Long born Dec 25, 1831 in Russell Co, VA. Elihu’s mother Catherine Jessee (born cir 1815) was about 16 years old and not married when he was born. A couple of years later, she married Thomas Long (born cir 1805) and Elihu took his last name. Thomas and Catherine Long moved to Indiana about 1840 taking their children with them. Elihu J. Long was left behind in Russell Co Va to be raised by Catherine’s brother, Joseph Jessee. Terry’s line is through Elihu’s grandson, Andrew Jefferson Long (born 1880).
(571) James Ray Long #809755 > father Raymond Lee Long (Buster) b 1924, Cole Co, MO > Everett Long b 1900, Camden Co, MO > John Thomas Long B 1875, Camden Co, MO > John Elliott Long b 1850, Camden Co, MO > Richard H Long b 1825, Orange Co, VA > Thomas D Long b 1803 VA married 1822, Louisa Co, VA Mary Bond, 9 children. Father – Richard Long b abt 1775 md Nancy Stephenson 1796, Orange Co, VA. Nancy Stephenson parents were Thomas Stephenson and Mary Hawkins. Mary Hawkins was descendant of John Long b abt 1695, VA sibling of Brumfield Long/Elizabeth Reynolds > Henry Long, VA. Thus 2 lines of the Brumfield Long Group C. (Brumfield Long of VA)
(572) Timothy M. Long #B326119 is a descendant of Adam Long (1722-1802) who purchased a lot of land in Berwick township, York County, Pennsylvania (later, Hamilton township, Adams County, Pennsylvania) in 1767. Adam transferred this land to his son, Peter (~1750-1817, m. Christina Apelezen) in 1792. Peter’s children include Adam (m. Sabina Storm), George (m. Mary Elizabeth Miller), Catharine (m. Bernard McMaster), Maria Magdalena (m. John Hite, moved to Blair County, PA), Maria Elizabeth, Peter, John, Margaret (m. Samuel Lau, moved to Bedford County, PA), Christina (m. Daniel Miller) and Louis (m. Helena Magdalen Miller, moved to Illinois). Adam’s last name may have changed from Lang.
(573) Marilyn Long #502342 Descendant of Longs of Oxfordshire, England, in Standlake and Hanborough and 3 x great grandparents were James Long and Sarah Busby c. 1768-1842. Longs were in Oxfordshire from at least the 1600s. In the 1800s some Long descendants moved to America including under the name Syphus to Utah.
(574) Christopher Long kit #680026 Descendant of Longs of Oxfordshire, England, in Standlake and Hanborough and 3 x great grandparents were James Long and Sarah Busby c. 1768-1842. Longs were in Oxfordshire from at least the 1600s. In the 1800s some Long descendants moved to America including under the name Syphus to Utah.
(575) Stephen T. Long #843261 Stephen Long> Ben Edgar Long> Ben Tracy Long> John P Long> Robert L Long b. 1834, Lincoln Co, NC d. bet 1880-1900 > son of Brumfield Long b. abt 1792 – d. bef 1860 Cleveland Co, NC > son of Richard Long Sr b. abt 1765. d. aft 1830 Lincoln Co, NC, **sibling of Reuben Long-Rev War Soldier b. 1759, Halifax Co, VA d. 1847, Grainger Co, TN
(576) Chester Pelfrey #B336303 John Long, 1749-1817 & Mary Haynes 1751- 1825 > George W. Long I, 1771-1849 & Nancy Elizabeth Maples, 1775-1850 > Moses Long, 1839-1919 & Nancy Elizabeth Burk, 1844-1915 > John Joshua Long, 1874-1919 & Adliza Virginia West, 1875-1957 > Harry Aaron Long, 1894-1982 & Myrtle Louise Stone, 1897-2000 > Dorothy Louise Long, 1919-2013 & William Donald Miller, 1920-2000 > Timothy Alan Miller & Chester Raymond Pelfrey.
(577) David F. Long #849970 grandfather was John Henry Long was born in Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada in 1875. His father Joseph William Long was born in Haldimand, Ontario in 1854; his father William Long was born in Ontario in 1820, son of John Long b. 1797
(578) Alan Long #855915 descendant of Robert E Long> Robert Lee Long> Jasper Richard Long b 1857, Gaston Co, NC> Andrew Long d 1879, Gaston Co, NC> Richard Long d 1874, Cleveland Co, NC.
> son of Richard Long d bef 1830, **sibling of Reuben Long-Rev War Soldier b. 1759, Halifax Co, VA d. 1847, Grainger Co, TN
(579) Larry Long #855954 Larry Long > B W Long > Amos Marshall Long b 1888, MO >William Henry Long b Tennessee. William Henry Long b 1855, TN -d 1937, Baxter Co, MO. Married abt 1875 KY , Louisa E Copeland, daughter of Abel Copeland and Sarah Webb. Moved from Graves Co, KY to Baxter Co, MO approx 1884. Children Henry Abel Long, William Coleman Long, Louisa E Long Taylor, Nancy M Long Edington, Lillie D Long, Amos Marshall Long.
(580) Stephen L. Long # B295291 descended Marvin L Long> Roy V Long b 1901, OR > Charles C Long > Henry Clay Long b 1846 IND >James Long b 1789, Orange Co, VA – d 1862, Clackamas Co, OR > Brumfield Long b abt 1758 married Letitia Roach>William Long b abt 1717 VA married Ann Durrett > Brumfield Long/Elizabeth Reynolds
(581) Keith D. Long #B336821: descends from Drury Long (1810-1877) and Margaret Garrett (1808-1881), who lived in Burke County, NC, then in Union and Fannin Counties in northern Georgia. Then descended through their son, Joseph Crayton Long (m. Mary Jane Garrett). Long DNA (not Y) comes from Joseph and Mary Jane’s son, Peter Grayson Long, then his daughter, Nellie Flora Long. My Long name comes from Mary Jane’s illegitimate son, James (Jim) Abraham Holden, who took the Long name after being raised as a Long by Joseph, his step-father. Then from Jim through his son, Merrick Long, who married Nellie (they were half-first cousins as their fathers, Peter and Jim, were half-brothers).
(582) Richard C Long #862215: son of Ben H Long> son of Oscar Robertus Long b 1888, Cleveland Co, NC – wife Daisy Carpenter > son of Perry Robert Long b 1835, Lincoln Co, NC – wife Melissa Lackey > son of Richard Long b abt 1790, NC – wife Frances E >son of Richard Long b abt 1765 – d aft 1830- spouse UNK, Lincoln Co, NC **sibling of Reuben Long-Rev War Soldier b. 1759, Halifax Co, VA d. 1847, Grainger Co, TN
(583) Bailey M Long #862522 Father Francis David Long b 26 Sept 1932 Salado,Independence, Arkansas died 10,October 1993 Little Rock,Arkansas. Grandfather Madison David Long bn: 05 June 1893 Stone Country, Arkansas died 17 March 1941 Little Rock, Arkansas. David P Long – died 1905 Hot Springs, Arkansas. Archibald D.Long bn:31 May 1829 Cleveland County, North Carolina dn: after 1870 Alabama> son of John Seymour Long b: 1787 Lincoln, North Carolina died 29 Jul 1869 Cartersville,Bartow,North Carolina. John Long died 1819 Lincoln, North Carolina **sibling of Reuben Long-Rev War Soldier b. 1759, Halifax Co, VA d. 1847, Grainger Co, TN
(584) Thomas Wayne Perry # B329975 Great Grand Father was Thomas Long, born in Frankfort, Franklin County Kentucky in 1888 and passed away in 1945 in Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky. My GG Grand Father was James Long born in Madison County, Kentucky about 1830 and died in Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky about 1911. James Long married a Nancy E. Barnes in Madison County, Kentucky in 1858. He may have had a brother named Thomas Long. Census records listed James father as being from Virginia.
(585) Joseph Long #63431 > Everett Joseph Long – b. 1941, Caldwell, ID – d. 2011, Oregon > Cecil Long – b. 1916, Enid, OK – d. 2000, Oregon > Joseph Long – b. June 1886, Madison Co, KY – d. 1962, Oregon > John S Long Jr – b. 1857, Madison Co, KY – d. 1941, Madison Co, KY > John Sipraine Long Sr .b 1810, VA d. 1888, Madison Co, KY > parents Richard Long m. Nancy Stephenson 1796, Orange Co, VA
(586) William Chadwick Long #863540 Father – Claude Lee Long b 1938 OK, d 2012, OK > Wm Carey Long b 1914, OK – d 2007, OK > James Lycurgus Long b 1862, Lee Co, MS – D 1939, OK > John Jackson Long b 1814, Union Co, SC – d 1881, Lee Co, MS > Alexander Long b 1788 SC – d 1833, Lownden Co, AL
(587) Jarvis K. Long #856585: father Hester Abner Long b 1913, Madison Co, KY > Phillip Long b 1887, Madison Co, KY married Mae Roberts > Abner Long b Jan 1852, VA md Elizabeth Martin in Madison Co, KY > James Robert Long b 1825, Goochland Co, VA md Louisa Ann Whitlock > Spotswood Long married Sabina Harris 1824, Orange Co, VA> son of Wm Long b abt 1771, Orange Co, VA
(588) Jason Hammerman # 365981: Great grandfather was George Garfield Long born Frederick, Oh 1881 and died 1946 in West Deer, PA. His father was Will (William) H. Long born 1848 Terre Haute, Indian and lived in Ohio and married Jennie Macy. Does 1921 in West Deer, Pa. Haven’t found his parents and or siblings.
(589) Paul Long #867073 Descends from the Andrew Jackson Long (b1823 – 1907) and Martha Ann Blake (b1829-d1902) line of Longs in King William County Virginia. Andrew Jackson, brother Ellis, and their 3 sisters, Mary Elizabeth, Martha A., and Mary Ann were children of William Long (born about 1795 and died about 1860) and Mary (born about 1800). We don’t know from where William originates but he appears in King William County VA and married Mary from Shumansville, Caroline County Virginia. William and Mary appear in King William and Caroline County records and lived there.
(590) David A. Long #871830 son of Loyd Lee Long b 1906 CA – d 1984 CA > son of Leonard Delant Long b 1878, ARK- d 1949 > Michael L Long – b 1849, La Salle Co, ILL – d Boone Co, ARK > John Barrett Long – b 1811, KY – d 1888, Taney Co, MO – wife Anna Dimmick > Richard Long b 1786, VA – d 1873, Winnebago Co, ILL > John Long b 1764, VA – d 1808 Clermont Co, OH
(591) Kevin Long Kit 871842. Dad is John Long. John’s line is William Benjamin Long and Elizabeth Whitlock. Followed by Benjamin Long and Sarah Unknown. Next is William Knight Long who married Mary Ann Cudd and Rebecca Walker. Next is Simson Thomas Long and wife Frances Gill who’s son is Noah Knight Long and Lula Ester Fanning to my dad Wilburn Lauden Long and Era Emerson.
(592) David Ray 860103 Surname is Ray but DNA results show strong Long connection. Earliest Ray ancestor is Allen Ray Sr, Martin Co, NC , est. 1796 died 07 Jan 1864 Telfair Co, Ga. He listed on war record he was from Martin Co, NC.
(593) Robert Lancaster Long Jr – kit 872114 – son of Robert Lancaster Long b 1906, NY- d 1997, VT > Reuben Lancaster Long b 1863, Owen Co, KY – d 1932, NY > Joseph Long b 1820 KY, d aft 1880 – 2nd wife Mary E Thomas > William Long b 1796, KY md 1814, Gallatin Co, KY wife Jane Thomas > William Long b abt 1771, Orange Co, VA.
(594) David C. Long #868069 John Long b. 1737 Ireland d 1826 in Grainger County, Tn. He told his descendants his family was Scots/Irish born in Ulster Londonderry area of Northern Ireland. His parents are Joseph Long b 1695 Ireland d. 1757 Augusta Co. Va. Joseph Long’s wife was Anne Crockett. Joseph and Anne were married ca. 1722. Direct Line handed down by family is Edward Leeper Long b 1842 d 1915 Grainger County, Tn. Col. William Patterson Long b 1811 d 1897 Grainger County Tn., Robert Long b 1770 Augusta Co. Va. d 1857 Grainger County Tn., John Long b 1737 Ireland d 1826 Grainger County Tn. John Long was one of the earliest settlers(1770-1775) of Hawkins County N.C. later became Hawkins County Tn. John Long settled in what was known as Carters Valley and was a Rev. war soldier that served with the Over Mountain men that marched from East Tennessee and entered the battle at Kings Mtn. North Carolina.
(595) Margie Ann Gunter Kit 246605 – granddaughter of Homer Ferrell Long 1916-1994. GGF- Henry Benjamin Long 1891-1966. GGGF- William B Long birth unknown -1893. This much I know is correct. These are what to believe to be in our line; James Franklin Long 1813-1862. 3rd ggf; Alendar Long 1780-1860 4th ggr; and 5th ggf- John Long 1750. The Henry Benjamin Long family came to Georgia by covered wagon from Kentucky. William B. Long and wife Bedie A. Watkins Long stayed in Kentucky.
(596) James Louis Long – kit #867478 – >James Blaine Long 1890 Maricopa Co., AZ- 1952 Maricopa Co., AZ> John Barrett Long 1858 Benton Co., AR-1929 Maricopa Co., AZ> John Barrett Long 1811 KY -1888 Taney Co., MO and Elizabeth Riddle > Richard Long 1786 VA/KY-1873 Winnebago Co., IL > John Long 1764 VA-1808 Clermont Co., OH >
(597) Brandon Douglass Long Kit #N242638: oldest documented direct ancestors are Thomas Long & Margaret Pittenger. Married in Ross County, Ohio, February 24th, 1859. Moved to Indiana in early 1860’s & were located in Whitley County, Indiana in 1870 with their 4 children. Thomas died between 1871 ( birth of last child) & 1879. Margaret remarried in 1879 in Kosciusko County, Indiana to Calvin Babcock. She died in 1915 and is buried in Whitley County, Indiana as Margaret Babcock. Also believed related to James W. Long (1803-1890) & Thomas B Long (1806-1897), both were born in Northumberland County, Pa and relocated to Ross County, Ohio in 1816 with their parents. The two brothers then moved to Whitley County, Indiana in 1836 where they lived until their deaths. Their parents where John & Margaret Jane Long, last known to reside in Ross County, Oh in 1816. They both immigrated from Ireland to Northumberland County, PA in 1790.
(598) Michael Long, Kit: 859323 (later)
(599) Edward Long 798401: G. Grandfather John Wesley Long – born 10/22/1844 in Livingston Co., MO, died 4/27/1909 in Livingston Co., MO; G.G. Grandfather John Long – born 1807 or 1808 in North Carolina, died after 1870 in MO
(600) Robert D Long Kit 875929 b. 1928 Giles Co, TN > James Thomas Long b 1888 Giles Co, Tn /Martha Ethel Vanhoozer > Thomas William b 1858, TN md 1 – Cynthia Tatum > Levi Long b 1815, NC md Nancy Watson > John Long b 1783, NC md Rachel Spurlin > Reuben Long b 1759 in Halifax, Virginia – died 1847 Grainger Co., TN
(601)Todd Scudder Long, Kit 869497 is gggrandson of William Long b. 1815 in Northern Ireland who immigrated to Fairfield County Ohio in 1842, married Mary Jane Hebrew in 1851; she died after giving birth to Alex in 1852. William re-located to Monroe County, Iowa, married Mary Jane Elder in 1853 and they had several children before he died in 1875. His son John William Long b. 1857 is ggrandfather of Todd.
(602) Shelley Hartley, kit # B276815: [related to #526 above] Grandfather was Carlos Long 1899-1971 Madison Co., Ky, his dad was Miley Long 1875 Madison Ky, William A. Long 1852, Madison Ky, James Jackson 1827, Madison Ky, James Creamer Long 1798, Madison Ky. and John D. Long 1769 Granville, N.C. Carlos’ mom was Jennie Long 1877 Madison Ky. John B. Long 1855 Ky, and William Long 1833 Knox Co., Ky.
(603) Kevin Long Kit B313406: Oldest known Long ancestor is Isaac Long b. 1816 in Augusta Va and d. May 8, 1862 in Alton Illinois. His son was Isaac Newton Long b. Jan 11, 1849 in VA d.1943 in Newton, Harvey Kansas. His son was James B Long b. Jan 16, 1907 in Missouri d. May 29, 1966 in Los Angeles. His son was Leonard Long Sr.
(604) Jeff Williams Kit 542461, Earliest known paternal ancestor is great-great grandfather Patrick J. Long Sr. born in Ireland in April 1834, arrived in the United States on April 20, 1853. After immigrating to the United States he eventually settled in Wilmington, Delaware where he died on February 11, 1911.
(605) Lisa Laing Kit 412349: Maternal grandfather was William John Laing, b. 1896 in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK. William John Laing was son of Robert Laing b. about 1870.
(606) Kinberly Long Kit B85789 has two Long lines. She is a 3rd greatgrandaughter of Layton N Long b. Jun 1825 in Rockingham Co, VA. and is a 4th great granddaughter of Philip Long b. 26 Mar 1791 in Virginia, d. 4 Jul 1888 in Mineral Co, WV.
(607) Troy Allen Long, Kit #894336: Great grandfather was Benjamin Franklin Long b. Kansas 1887 d. 1966 . Little is known about Benjamin Franklin Long’s ancestry.
(608) Dale Long, kit 623622: Descendant of German/Swiss German Lang’s.
(609) Sharon Cobb Kit B468862 is the gggranddaughter of an Ann Long that married a John Cobb in Lincoln County, NC on February 27, 1841.
(610) Robert Long kit 878070: Robert’s line is: Brumfield Long (via DNA 67/67 match) John Long 1764 VA-1808 Clermont Co., OH => Richard Long 1786 VA/KY-1873 Winnebago Co., IL => John Barrett Long 1811 KY -1888 Taney Co., MO => John Barrett Long 1858 Benton Co., AR-1929 Maricopa Co., AZ => Charles Owen Long 1888 Maricopa Co., AZ- 1933 AZ => Charles Stephen Long 1928 AZ-2012 MI => Robert Long.. This line also matches DNA from participants of the Franklin surname [37/37 matches with Eugene L. Franklin and 64/65 matches with Wesley W. Franklin.]
(611) Willard Long, # 902218 > Roscoe Long -b 1915, Lincoln Co, KY > Elmer Leo Long- b 1887, Lincoln Co, KY > John M Long- b 1854 KY md Lucinda Reed -1876 Lincoln Co, KY > Joseph Long- b 1813 Orange Co, VA md Sarah Ann Gooch > Wm Long -b 1788, Orange Co, VA – md 1804, Orange Co, VA Elizabeth/Polly Bickers > Joseph Long -b abt 1765, wife UNK > Brumfield Long- b abt 1735, VA md Lucy Chandler >Samuel Long -b abt 1711, VA – will 1739, Spotsylvania Co, VA – wife UNK > Henry Long- b abt 1650 and 2nd wife Christian Allen.
(612) Christpher Long, kit # 902000 > Richard W Long b 1922, OH/ d 1970 > Charles McComas Long b 1892, Madison Co, KY – d Mar 1966, Florida > Samuel Johnson Long b 1863, Louisa Co, VA -d 1954, Madison Co, KY > James Robert Long- b 1825, Goochland Co, VA md 1851 Louisa Co, VA – Louisa Whitlock (daughter of Barthlomew Whitlock and Martha Dickson) > Spotswood Long married Sabina Harris in 1824, Orange Co, VA
(613) Michael Long, kit #902003: son of kit # 902000
(614) Kevin Long, Kit #894109: Descendant of Oscar Marion Long b 1923 Alabama, d 1993 Talbott,Tennessee. Oscar’s father, Ambrose (also seen on census documents as Ambers and Ambros) M. Long b. 1880 Kentucky d. 1959-Toledo Ohio. Ambrose wife-Mary Elizabeth Dodd (also seen at times as “Dodds”) b 1884 Kentucky, d. 1938 Laurel Branch, Harlan County, Kentucky.
(615) Jared Long, Kit # 903475 – grandfather Charles R Long- b 1924, Las Animas Co, Colorado > Abel Robert Long/Prudencia Shoblo – Abel b 1899 Colorado d 1966> Jose Emmanuel de la Luz Long- bapt. 1 Jan 1852*, Taos Territory of NM,- d. 14 April 1928 in Bear Canyon, Co > George Horace Long b 1805, VA – d 1876, CO > Benjamin Long b 1771, VA d 1815, Franklin Co, KY md Sarah Eddins – 10 DEC 1804, Madison Co. > Benjamin Long b 1751, VA – d 1773 > Brumfield Long b abt 1721, King George Co, VA – d July 1778, Culpeper Co, VA md Elizabeth Bond > Brumfield Long b 1686 Old Rappahannock – d 1763, Spotsylvania Co, VA md Elizabeth Reynolds > Henry Long b abt 1650.
(616) Tim Long, Kit #879477 Descends from the Andrew Jackson Long (b1823 – 1907) and Martha Ann Blake (b1829-d1902) line of Longs in King William County Virginia. Andrew Jackson, brother Ellis, and their 3 sisters, Mary Elizabeth, Martha A., and Mary Ann were children of William Long (born about 1795 and died about 1860) and Mary (born about 1800). We don’t know from where William originates but he appears in King William County VA and married Mary from Shumansville, Caroline County Virginia. William and Mary appear in King William and Caroline County records and lived there. (brother of #589 Paul Long #867073)
(617) David Long Sr, Kit #mk55014, Descends from the Andrew Jackson Long (b1823 – 1907) and Martha Ann Blake (b1829-d1902) line of Longs in King William County Virginia. Andrew Jackson, brother Ellis, and their 3 sisters, Mary Elizabeth, Martha A., and Mary Ann were children of William Long (born about 1795 and died about 1860) and Mary (born about 1800). We don’t know from where William originates but he appears in King William County VA and married Mary from Shumansville, Caroline County Virginia. William and Mary appear in King William and Caroline County records and lived there. (uncle of #589 Paul Long #867073)
(618) David Long Jr, Kit #mk55013 Descends from the Andrew Jackson Long (b1823 – 1907) and Martha Ann Blake (b1829-d1902) line of Longs in King William County Virginia. Andrew Jackson, brother Ellis, and their 3 sisters, Mary Elizabeth, Martha A., and Mary Ann were children of William Long (born about 1795 and died about 1860) and Mary (born about 1800). We don’t know from where William originates but he appears in King William County VA and married Mary from Shumansville, Caroline County Virginia. William and Mary appear in King William and Caroline County records and lived there. (son of #617 above)
(619) Dennis Long kit # 901796: son of Hugh Long b.1901, Newton Co, IND – d 1961, Wisconsin > Robert Edward Long b 1874 Clark Co, IND – d 1964, Newton Co, IND >John C Long b 1832, Clark Co, IND – d 1897, Clark Co, IND > Morgan Long b abt 1805 – d June 1873, Clark Co, IND – married Isabella Martin in 1830, Jefferson Co, KY. **Believed to be a son of Thomas Long b 1772 VA and Nancy Shipp b 1775, married 21 Aug 1794, Culpeper Co, VA> Benjamin Long b 1751 VA – d 1773 > Brumfield Long b abt 1721 King George Co, VA – d 1778 Culpeper Co, VA married Elizabeth Bond > Brumfield Long b abt 1686, Old Rappahannock VA – d 1763, Spotsylvania Co, VA married Elizabeth Reynolds > Henry Long – b abt 1650 – will 1733 King George Co, VA and first wife ? Anne? Churchill.
(620) Alex Long, kit IN59962: Oldest confirmed ancestor James Long 1789 -1875. [Also James, David, Gustavus, William and Robert Longs showing on 1740 Protestant Householders return for the same townland in Donegal, Ireland. Though can’t be sure which one direct ancestor.]
(621) Marvin Long, Kit # 907199: son of Edward Ned Long b 1886, Owen Co, KY > James Long b 1851, Owen Co, KY and wife Lucinda Hawkins > James Long b 1816, Owen Co, KY and wife Eliza Jane Baker > William Long b 1796, KY and his wife Jane Thomas > believed to be son of Wm Long b abt 1771, Orange Co VA and wife UNK.
(622) Jacob Long Kit 907201: grandson of #907199
(623) Michael Barker, Kit #IN619203: Earliest known Long ancestor is great great grandfather James Longe (born 1811 died 1889) of Ballyea South near Inagh, County Clare, Ireland. Great grandfather, Michael Long (born 1859) emigrated from Ireland to Queensland, Australia in the early 1880s with his brother (Patrick) and was later joined by four sisters (Mary, Bridget, Ellen and Margaret). One of Michael’s brothers (Thomas Longe – born 1872) emigrated to the USA (Pennsylvania). Another brother John remained living and farming at Ballyea South.
(624) Monte Barron, Kit #497452: Believed to descend from Drury Long b. ca. 1802 and his son William Adolphus Long b. 1826 in Roxboro NC.
(625) Sandra Pipken, Kit 185333: Earliest ancestor is Johann Lang b. 28 June 1750 Hof Eich, Hessen-Kassel, Germany. d. 23 Nov 1813 Niederzell, Main-Kinzig-Kreis, Hessen, Germany
(626) Rex R. McHail Jr, Kit #N8857: GreatGreatGrandfather was Thomas McHail born around 1818 emigrated from Ireland to the U.S as a young man, and married Ann Coulter, from Scotland. Great Grandfather, John McHail, born 1856, was their 4th child in 1860. Grandfather was John Clyde McHail (1895-1973). It is possible about this time surnames may have crossed it being possible that John McHail was actually a Long taken in by Thomas and Ann and raised as a McHail. (YDNA shows matches with Long rather than McHail).
(627) James Kenneth Long, Kit 902787: Descendent of James Kenneth Long, father, 1922-1971, Kenneth Ardell Long, GF 1866-1950, Thomas W Long, GGF 1828-1909 all from Centre County, Pennsylvania. Thomas’s bio is in the Commemorative Biographical History of Centre County, PA (1898 version with Clearfield County). Thomas’s father was his 2GGF Isaac Long abt 1800-1849 from Rhode Island per the above book. Isaac married Catherine Wolf in PA abt 1821 and they and attended and baptized their children at the Rebersburg, PA Lutheran & Reformed church in Centre County PA.
Has matches to #95 Darl Gaylord Long, #67 Giles Long, #158 Jeffrey L. Waite.
(628) Norman John Fleming, Kit 814089: has YDNA matches with Lawrence Edward Long (129 above) and Elton Long (239 above). Oldest known paternal ancestor is Thomas Augustine Fleming born February 1839 or 1840 place unknown (likely Northern Ireland, Scotland or England) and died in Lawrence, MA in 1914.
(629) Clarence Lee Long, Kit #910107: Father was Clarence Leonard Long, born 10/21/1894, Nashville, Brown, Indiana, USA, died 11/24/1957, Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana. Grandfather was Charles Enoch Long, born 11/17/1855, Edinburgh, Johnson, Indiana died 2/13/1931, Taylor, Owen, Indiana, USA. Greatgrandfather was Cornelius E. Long, born about 1820, Ohio died about 1862 or 1863, Edinburgh, Johnson, Indiana. Family believed to have come from the Kettering, Montgomery, Ohio area.
(630) Marion Joseph Long Jr #499957– most distant proven Long relative is William Long, born 1810 in Belmont County, Ohio. Family came from Pennsylvania and we now believe they were German. His parents may possibly be Jacob Long and Martha Lashley of Belmont County Ohio.
(631) Verl Long #900835: (later)
(632) Melvin Drewry Long Kit #907800: Great grandfather is Drewry Benson Long, born 25 December 1878 in Gilmore, Cobb, Georgia. And died 17 October 1941 Provo, Utah. He married Mary Jane Brooks on 14, May 1900 In Diamond, Utah His father is Drury Robert Long Born in Gilmore County Georgia in 1845, died in 1880 unknown location the 1880 census showed him living in Chattanooga, Hamilton Tennessee. There is some confusion about Drury Robert Long, on the 1880 census the name is Robert Long it does show Benson Long at age three with the mother Mary. Drewry Benson’s death certificate shows his father’s name is Drewry Robert Long and His mother’s name is Mary Crockron or Cockran spelling uncertain. The information entered on the death certificate of Drewry Benson is one of his sons Elmer Long who should have known his grandfather’s name. The name of Robert Croyton Long was entered as Drewry Benson’s father.
(633) Jimmy N Long, kit #387586: Greatgrandfather was William Edwin Long Sr. (b. 23 Dec 1858 in Alabama, d. 15 Oct 1915 in Dudley, Lauren’s Co, GA. He married Anna Jane Coats on 20th March 1884 in Lauren’s Co GA. Children: Lola Clara Long 1885-1902, Grover Gordon Long 1886-1968, Ida Long 1863-1887, Emmett Lane Long 1888-1972, Ida May Long 1890-1965, Rosa Lee Long 1892-1984, Johnie Long 1895-1902, William Edwin Long Jr 1899-1970, Henry “Jack” Columbus Long 1900-1981. Greatgreatgrandfather is believed to be Christopher Columbus Long born 1829 in Talbert Co. GA. He married Susan M Lewis 16 Dec 1852 in Chambers, Alabama.
(634) Donald Long kit# IN76569 Descendant of Philip Long a private soldier in the King’s American Regiment who arrived in Canada as a Loyalist refugee in 1783. He married Marie-Julie Couillard-Després in Quebec City (1792), worked as a courier between Quebec & Fredericton NB and died in 1832 in Clair NB. Philip Long is believed to be Philipp Lange from Wirmighausen (1775) where he enlisted in the 3rd Waldeck. He arrived in NY in 1776; deserted in 1778; enlisted in the WFRF in Florida; deserted in1781; enlisted in the KAR in 1781. He sought refuge in Canada in 1783 where he married Marie Julie Couillard-Després in 1792. At the end of his life, he moved to Clair Madawaska NB. Research aims at verifying that Philip Long is Philipp Lange with the help of Dr Thomas Heldt, a German genealogist. See
(635) Steve C. Long #920143 brother of (537) [Kit 664517] above.
(636) Jerry E. Long, Kit 619704 is descended from Johannes Lange who traveled to Philadelphia in 1734 aboard Charming Betsy and from Pennsylvania traveled to Rowan County North Carolina and in 1758 took possession of 625 acres along Abbott’s Creek. Earliest Long (Lange) ancestor is Curt Lange in Hesse Germany.
(637) Ron Long Kit #921606: GGGGrandfather James Long was born in Maryland in 1784 or 1785 and lived in South Carolina for some period of time and ran a pottery business in central Georgia. GGGrandfather Alford Long born in 1817 Washington, Georgia. Greatgrandfather William A Long born in 1847 Knoxville, Crawford, Georgia, USA. Grandfather Jacob Lee Long was born in 1889 Coosa, Floyd, Georgia, USA.
(638) Gary Long, Kit 918698: Great great grandson of Allen A. Long b.1814, Miller County, Missouri, d. 1862 in Jackson County, Missouri. Allen is the son of William Otho Long of Tennessee, grandson of Nicolas Long born in Culpeper, Virginia late 1700’s, early 1800’s and great grandson of Ware Long. Maternal names beginning with Allen include Armstrong, Graham, Turner and Jennings.
(639) Andrew Long, Kit B616635: Long family seems to have originated from the East End of London, Bethnal Green and Spitalfields. Earliest known ancestor traced so far is 4th greatgrandfather John Long who was born abt. 1791 in Spitalfields, London (although some records say 1794). He married Christian Kilworth Dinsdale in 1822 in Bishopsgate, London and had 4 children, John Edward Long, Septimus Long, Caroline Long and James Long.
(640) Austin Long Kit MK65667. Descends from the Andrew Jackson Long (b1823 – 1907) and Martha Ann Blake (b1829-d1902) line of Longs in King William County Virginia. Andrew Jackson, brother Ellis, and their 3 sisters, Mary Elizabeth, Martha A., and Mary Ann were children of William Long (born about 1795 and died about 1860) and Mary (born about 1800). We don’t know from where William originates but he appears in King William County VA and married Mary from Shumansville, Caroline County Virginia. William and Mary appear in King William and Caroline County records and lived there. Son of Kit #879477.
(641) Joseph Long Kit B63708: greatgreatgrandson of James Edward Long (b. Jan. 8, 1820, Cork County, Ireland). Immigrated to the U.S. June 2, 1845, arriving in New York and then traveling to Boston. Naturalized Jan. 27, 1851. There’s a gap in his history until 1860, when he is found in census living near Covington, Virginia (Allegheny County) wife Bridget (b. 1831, place unknown). They have a son the same year, (greatgrandfather) John Joseph Long (b. Aug. 22, 1860 and d. Dec. 17, 1936). The date and place of JEL’s death is unknown as is Bridget’s. Son John Joseph moved to West Virginia in 1881, marries and becomes a miner working at Boomer, WV. His first son, born 1882, was (grandfather) James E. Long.
(642) Joe Long, kit # 863431: earliest ancestor Richard Long b abt 1775 – d after 1823, VA. Married Nancy Stephenson, 1796, Orange Co, VA 4 children, Mary b 1800 VA –d 1891, Madison Co, KY, Thomas D Long b 1803 VA –d 1865, Arkansas, Lucy Ann Long b abt 1808- d aft 1860, KY; John S Long – b 1810 VA – d 1888, Madison Co, KY Joes line of descent*** – Cecil Long/ Thelma Berkenbile > Joseph Long/ Cecie Long > John S Long, Jr/Dora Bellamy > John S Long/Emily Jennings > Richard Long/Nancy Stephenson. ** Many intermarried cousin Long lines**
(643) E Darrell Long, Kit #912307; earliest ancestor – William Long b 1788, Orange Co, VA – d aft 1820. Married Elizabeth Polly Bickers – 3 May 1804, Orange Co, VA 6 children – Spotswood, Agnes, Lucy, Joseph, Brumfield and Thomas Long. Darrell’s line of descent** Willie Long/Lema Baker > William Long/Mary Ethel Young > John M Long/ Lucinda Reed > Joseph Long/Sarah Ann Gooch> William B Long /Elizabeth Polly Bickers
(644) Anthony Long, Kit # 926849; earliest ancestor William Long b 1796 Kentucky, d aft 1860. Married Jane Thomas 31 Aug 1814, Gallatin Co, KY and had 7 children ne and William B. Long. Anthony’s line of descent ** Guthrie W Long > Guthrie Doyle Long /Aline Bennett> Elias Guthrie Long /Cora Long > James Long/Mary Allnutt > Robert Long/Cynthia Carter > William Long/Jane Thomas
(645) William Long Kit 933307: Earliest known ancestor is Henry Long, 1782-1875, in Marion Co. Tennessee. He “came down the great river of Cherokee with friends from Jonesborough. TN in 1807.”
He married Zilpha Stephens in 1808. Son James Madison Long ( wife Sarah Ann Craven) migrated further south thru Georgia to settle in Valley Head Al and his son, Henry Maloy (wife Jennie Street) further south to settle in Guntersville, Al.
(646) Dennis James Baines, adoptee, Kit #350403: Dennis is son of Charles Albert Long born: May 29, 1909, Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio died: September 21, 1950, Ohio; Dennis is grandson of Albert “Bert” Long, Jr. born: March 7, 1895, Bellaire, Belmont County, Ohio died April 8, 1926, Saint Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida: Dennis is greatgrandson of Albert Long born: November 10, 1851, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania died May 24, 1938, Island Creek Township, Jefferson County, Ohio
(647) Randall Keith Long, Kit #935832. Descendant of Richard Pickett Long born in 1784 in Culpeper Co., Virginia and later moved to Kentucky where he married Tabiltha Adams Russell. From this union Robert Nickolas Long was born in 1823 in Ky. Robert married after the family moved to Jackson Co., Mo.; then Robert Nickolas Long Jr. was born in 1866 and to him Russell Keith Long was born in 1908 in Jackson Co., Mo.
Richard Pickett Long is the son of Major Nicholas Long b. 1754 son of Lt. Reuben Long b. 1730 in Virginia.
(648) Richard Long Kit #B658461: Traces his “Long” side to father Austin K. Long, grandfather Stewart Long, greatgrandfather Charles Daniel Long, 2ndgreatgrandfather Jacob Long (1796-1881), and 3rdgreatggrandparents Jacob Long (1769/70-1851 and Catharine or Anna Margaretha), the last few in the Easton, Pennsylvania area.
(649) Donald K Long, kit 938575: His line beginning with father: Roy Eddie Long b.1918 Kansas City MO d.2004 Aberdeen SD; Robert Carl Long b.1880 Independence VA d.1949 Laramie WY; Levi Drury Long b.1848 Independence WY d.1921 Nowata OK; Emanuel Long b.1814 Independence VA d.1885 Independence VA; Samuel Long b. 1790 (date & location undocumented) d. 1843 Jefferson, Ashe County NC; William Long b.? Unknown date and location D. 1821 Longs Gap, Elk Creek, near Independence, Grayson County VA.
(650) Janice Eileen (Breault) Cartmill, Kit #939079: The earliest Long’s in family tree were farmers living in Nunda, Livingston County, New York in the 1860 USA census. That census lists the following: John Long age 52, Catharine Long Age 41, Eliza Long Age 8, Andrew Long Age 6, John Long Age 4, Caroline Long Age 3, Nicholas Long 4 months.
(651) James Wycliffe DeLong Kit#939911 My line of DeLongs, based on the work done by John D. Baldwin lll, has us originating from The Netherlands, and immigrating to New Amsterdam in the mid 1600’s. The DeLong name didn’t occur until immigrants grandchildren. He was Arie Frances also appearing as Langet, and variations of that resulting in DeLange and DeLong.
(652) Newlie Long, Kit #942024: Son of John C Long > Grover C Long Jr > Grover C Long Sr – b 1892, Indiana > Joseph J Long – b 1866, Lincoln Co, KY > James W Long – b 1839, KY > Joseph Long – b 1813, Orange Co, VA married Sarah Ann Gooch > William Long – b 1788, Orange Co, VA md Elizabeth Bickers > Joseph Long b abt 1765, Orange Co, VA > Brumfield Long – b abt 1735, VA married Lucy Chandler > Samuel Long – b abt 1711, VA > son of Henry Long – b abt 1650 – will 1733 King George Co, VA and 2nd wife Christian Allen.
(653) Jim Long, Kit #MK70727: Descendant of John R. Long (abt1800-1880) of Colbert, AL.
(654) Michael V. Baker, Kit 909802: Earliest known ancestor John S. Long. No known dates of birth or death. Husband of Sarah Bray, Father to one known son, John Henry Long born 30 Jan 1852, Elizabeth City, Pasquotank County, North Carolina
(655) J A Long, Kit #915172 Descends from the Andrew Jackson Long (b1823 – 1907) and Martha Ann Blake (b1829-d1902) line of Longs in King William County Virginia. Andrew Jackson, brother Ellis, and their 3 sisters, Mary Elizabeth, Martha A., and Mary Ann were children of William Long (born about 1795 and died about 1860) and Mary (born about 1800). We don’t know from where William originates but he appears in King William County VA and married Mary from Shumansville, Caroline County Virginia. William and Mary appear in King William and Caroline County records and lived there. (brother of #589 Paul Long #867073 and #616 Tim Long #879477)
(656) Anthony Long, Kit#952143: Earliest confirmed Long ancestor is George Maxwell Long buried in Long’s Bend Cemetery in Hawkins County, TN. According to records at the New Providence Church in Surgoinsville, TN, George’s father was John Long, Sr., who, in 1817, was elected a ruling elder south of the Holston River. The records state that John was born in Virginia on June 21, 1776. According to the book “Long’s Bend and Its People,” the church records also indicate that John’s father was a Joseph Long (possibly the son of Joseph Long, Sr. [1700-1757] from Augusta County, VA).
(657) Annamarie Hessman, Kits B742382, B742368: Brick wall is great-great-grandfather William Long born ca. 1830 in “The West of Ireland” and believed came to Geneseo, NY during the Great Famine with brother John, who “went west.” William married Mary Shannon of Brahalish, Durrus, County Cork (1830-1887). Children of William and Mary were: Mary L. Katherine (m. John Fitzpatrick), John (m. Eliza Duffy), Ellen R., Elizabeth Eleanor (m. Julius Bicknell Johnson), Margaret E. (m. Peter Carragher), William Shannon (m. Harriet Euphemia Lilly), Richard C. (m. Mary L. Kingston), and Michael W. (m. Alice Duffy, the sister of the Eliza Duffy who married John).
(658) David R Long Kit # 949549: – – son of (88) Robert Long – Kit #68365 – descendant of Richard Long (Revolutionary War Soldier) – b 1758 Culpeper Co, VA – d 1848, Marshall Co, TN
descended thru line of Brumfield Long – b abt 1686, VA – d 1763, VA and wife Elizabeth Reynolds.
(659) Daniel S Long, Kit #956523: son of Stephen L. Long of paragraph 580 above.